Chapter 13

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3K READS LETS GO BAYBEE!1!2!1! I don't know how y'all can read this shitpost but u a real one and that's on Samy's boyfriend 👵🏿🦾, have a good daYyY. And idk what to post anymore cuz my motivation went from 📈 to 📉 rq
But imma just go flow through this chapter, also tell me who u ship

Vanessa x Mar, Vanessa x Samy, Vanessa x Dante ??1/ sv

Ok I'm out I love u have a good dayyy <3


I woke up in Samy's arms. I rub my eyes and soon enough a huge migraine makes it way towards me.

I close my eyes and groan, "Samy what time is it?" I ask him.

Samy checks his watch, "it's 12:31 pm," he reads.

"Why would you let me sleep that long?" I get up, my vision goes dark for a moment and I fell back down.

"Here, let me get you some painkillers, it will help with your hangover," he gets up and walks towards the kitchen.

"Which shelf has all the pills?" He yells from afar.

I drink the water bottle on my nightstand, "um, the one all the way to the left, I think it's on the 3rd thingy I don't know?" I yelled back to him.

A few second later he walks back in with a cup of water.

He hands me the pills and water, I put the pills in my mouth and down the water.

"Your hoodie feels nice," I said cuddling more into it. He smirks, "I mean its always better when there's no-"

I give him a look and he stops talking.

Samy's phone goes off, "it's Mar," he says as he picks it up and accepts it.

"Yo," Samy waves at him. Mariano grins, "Sup, baby."

I try to go inside the bed as much as possible.

"Is that Nessa?" Mar asks Samy.


Thanks Samy.

He frowns as he sees me wearing Samy's hoodie, and not to mention in the same bed.

"How was your little plans yesterday?" He questions.

Samy fixes his hair, "yesterday was fun."

Mariano wears a bored expression.

"I was going to ask if you guys wanna hang out today," he shrugs.

"Hell yeah, me and Nessa have been in bed all morning. I need to get up," Samy said as he yawns.

"You slept over?" He asks.

Samy just nods, "so where we going, babe?" Samy smirks.

"Wherever you want, cutie," Mariano purposely licks his lips.

"Nah, imma use the bathroom," I interrupt as I quickly get up and go inside the bathroom.

I lock the door and look at myself in the mirror.

My eyes were dark and tired, my hair was a bit messy.

I put it in a bun and brush my teeth.

When I got done doing my morning routine and started messing with my hair.

"You look like shit," I mumble to myself.

I brush my hair with my fingers and walk out the bathroom.

"Samy can I keep your hoodie?" I give him a smile.

"That's my favorite hoodie though," he looks at it and back at me.

"Fine," I growl as I was about to take it off.

Samy shakes his head, "I mean, you're also my favorite thing, so maybe if you keep it safe..." he trails off.

I grin, "thank you."

I walk up to my bed and lay next to Samy.

"Maybe we should go out and eat for breakfast?" He suggests.

"kk, lets get this settled, I pay," I grin.

"Nah, I'm paying I don't care what you say," Samy says grabbing his wallet out.

"I'm paying," I frown.

"In your dreams, sure, but right now I'm paying whenever we eat out, you deserve free food anyways," Samy stares at his socks.

"You're so cute, Sam," I hug him.

He quickly hugs me back. "Before we go let's settle on where we eat," he pulls his phone out and starts messing with it.

"Can we have McDonald's?" I ask.

He thinks about it, "anything for the princess," he gets up and bows.

I laugh, "you're such a dork."

He reaches his hand out for me to grab it in which I do. He helps me up and grabs my keys off my nightstand.

"Are you sure you wanna drive?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Pffft, of course," he stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"Okie dokie, also what plans are we making with mar?" I look at him.

He shrugs, "after you left he just started going off on me and blah blah blah, so I don't think we got plans."

"Weird, I thought you guys were really close," I bite my cheek, I shouldn't have said anything.

"We are, he's just being a dick right now."


Short chapter cause I have to start getting ready for my flight 🥴

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