Chapter 10

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I woke up to a loud bang.

"Let me in!" A feminine voice shouts.

"Get out of here," Mariano says with a deep raspy voice.

I quickly got up to check out the commotion.

I see Mariano and Samy looking out the window at Charlotte.

Once she sees me she points at me and squints her eyes, "I got you to where you are now!" She yelled.

I looked at her confused, "bitch you only showed me where my classes where-" I choked.

She growls like an angry dog, "come here, stop being a pussy and stay inside."

Mariano looks at me with an unsure face.

"She isn't going anywhere, just forget about it, you're being a psychopath," Samy says with an annoyed expression.

Charlotte looks at him, "did I ask you? I'm not leaving until she goes outside,"

I looked at her confused, I shrug.

"Okay okay, for the sake of you leaving," I moved Mariano away from the door and unlock it.

Charlotte smirks, "yeah, get out."

I open the door and Charlotte immediately jumps at me.

Before she can Samy and Mariano quickly push her away. Charlotte reaches in her back pocket and grabs a blade.

We all step back.

"She's crazier than I thought," Samy says shook.

"For what? Me punching you you're going to stab me?" I almost laughed.

"What are you? A creepypasta fangirl?" Samy choked.

You can see the anger in her eyes become more prominent.

Mariano just stands there, confused on what the hell is happening, and why me and Samy are making jokes.

"Samy Samy look," I put my hand in my back pocket and bring out a invisible knife.

"How dare you insult me? I will stab you!" She screams.

Uh oh.

Samy laughs, "listen Charlotte, do it, you won't. No balls."

"Mariano, you chose this bitch over me?" Charlotte basically screamed even louder.

"I didn't even like you? I was drunk, we both know that," he reasons.

She stares at him, "if I can't have you... neither can she." She says as she was running towards Mariano with the blade.

"Oh shit," Mariano muttered before running into the house and locking it.

Okay lock us out, good job Ricky.

"Mar are you really going to bait us out here?" Samy yells towards him.

"I'm calling 911!" He yells back.

Charlotte looks towards us before grabbing my wrist and slitting my arm.

What the fuck, I honestly didn't know she had the guts... I thought she was bluffing.

"What the fuck?!" I say in shock.

Charlotte backs up and looks at the blade, "oh fuck, oh shit.." she whispers to herself as she drops the blade and runs.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Samy asks as he runs up to me

"It's not that big, I'll be just fine, I'm just shocked she made it that big of a deal..." I said.

I shrug, "it's just a small cut, I need Neosporin though." I said as I walk up the stairs to my house and start banging on it.

"Open the door, pussy," I yell at Mariano.

I'm so pissed at him. Who does that?

The audacity.

Samy looks at me worried, "are you really okay? It looks... bad," he whispered the 'bad' part.

"I'm fine, really," I shrug.

The door unlocks, "I'm so so so so so so so so so so sorry," he looks at both of us.

I push him aside, "did you call the cops? I'm filing a restraining order on that crazy bitch."

"They're on their way," Mariano says quietly.

"I don't get you," I mutter as I grab Samy's arm and take him to the couch.

We both sit, "Don't mess with your wound, the paramedics should check it out first," Samy suggests.

I nod.

"Samy, thank you," I hug him.

He hugs me back, "sorry, if I didn't talk to you then you probably wouldn't be in this situation," he pulls back and looks sad.

"Samy are you high? I love you, I'm so fucking happy you talked to me, you and the boys are probably the only reason why I like going out now, and expressing myself," I give him a smile.

Mariano just sits in the corner looking at us.

"I still can't believe Charlotte did that, because you punched her," Mariano speaks up.

"She's crazy, what can I say?" I shrug.

I wave Mariano to come sit with us. He hesitated to sit on the couch.

"Still, I should've protected you guys, like if she had a gun or something, I locked you guys out. That was selfish and immature of me, I wasn't thinking straight..." Mariano said as he looked at his feet.

"It's a bitch move but let's just not have it occur again, okay?" Samy stared daggers at him.

"I love you, you're my bestfriend but what if something had happened worse?" Samy pushed it more.

"I know," Mariano mumbles.

"Guys, we're alive," I butt in.

"I wonder what my fans would do if we did di-" Samy got cut off by Mariano grabbing his face.

"Shhhhh..." Mariano whispered.

I couldn't help but laugh, what would I do without these boys?

Then, we heard sirens.

"Well, lets get the show on the road," Samy quickly gets up.

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