Chapter 6

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"Hey tiktok boy," a group of boys called out to Mariano.

Mar looked at me and whispered, "just ignore them."

I nodded and we kept walking.

We walked into some stores, Mariano said he wanted to buy matching outfits for a tiktok, I agreed.

"That'll be $80.99," the cashier said.

Mariano pulls out money, but I pull out my credit card faster.

Mar stares at me, "why?"

I smirk, "too slow."

"Omg can I get a picture?" A girl walks up to us. Mariano looks at her and nods.

He lets go of me and walks up to the girl.

They take a quick photo and Mariano returns to me.

"Oh my god?! Is that the real Mariano? Can I get a pic?!" I fangirl.

Mariano pushes me away, "begone."

I walk away.

"Okay bye!" I wave as I run to a different side of the mall.

I see Mariano try to catch up.

But I'm already hiding.

"Hey, want me to put you on?" A boy asks his friends.


I hear footsteps walking towards me.

Someone grabs my phone, it was already unlocked.

"Hey!" I shout.

"My friend likes you, can he get your number?" He smirks.

"Give me my phone back." I hiss.

He laughs, "not until I get those digits."

"Give me my fucking phone back you retard," I try and jump for it, but me being me, I'm short.

"Let's scroll through your pictures.." he opens my pictures.

"Stop! It was just a joke, aiden!" His friend called towards him.

He ignored him as he went through the albums.

"Hmm... who's this?" He asks as he shows me a picture of Mariano.

"He looks weak." He chuckles.

"Wait till you see him in person," a deeper voice says from behind him.

He turns around, enough for me to see, it was Mariano.

"Give her the phone back or we are going to have a problem," Mariano demands angrily.

His jaw muscles tensing up.

The guy supposedly "Aiden" throws my phone at the ground.

Mariano punches Aiden and Aiden looks back with a bloody nose.

I go down and grab my phone, it was shattered.

"Bro you fucked u-" Mariano punches him again.

I get up and pushed Mariano, "lets go, this asshole isn't worth it."

His friend looked at me and mouthed 'sorry'

I give him a glare.

I'm so fucking pissed.

"Can I get a picture?" Another person walks up to Mar.

He looks at her and slings an arm around me, he ignores her and we keep walking until we got to his car.

When we sit down he looks at me. "Are you okay?" He asks me.

What does it look like mar? My phone is completely shattered, I have nothing to contact anyone with now. I don't even have money or a job to pay for it. I'm fucking fantastic.

I looked out the window.

"I'm fine," I mutter.

"Give me your phone," he demands.

I gave him it, pieces of glass falling out.

"Who's the carrier?"

"No Mariano, I know what you're thinking. I'll just become a stripper and fix it," I shrug.

Mariano shoots me a glare, "hell no."

"Tell me I won't," I smirk.

"I'm locking you in a cage," he chuckles.

"I'm sure you heard of consent."

When we got to my house I grabbed my things and thanked him.

"After school tomorrow when you're done hanging with Samy come over, we should do tiktoks with our outfits," he suggests.

I nod, "I'll text you through Samy's phone when to pick me up.

He got out of his car and opened my door. I got out and bowed to him, "what a gentleman," I giggle.

He grins. He pulls me into a hug, "I'm so sorry about before, only if I found you earlier." He looks down.

I smile, "pfft, it wouldn't have happened if I ran out, you're not at fault, Maria." I give him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

He smiles, then it's completely wiped off, "Maria? Seriously?" He says confused.

I laugh, "your new nickname," I give him my last hug.

"Thanks, for real," I pull away, "go home and get rest."

He pouts, "now I can't text you before I sleep."

I slap his shoulder, "whatever you have better things to do, now, goodnight!" I wave him off as I walk to my door.

I waited until I heard his car drive off.

Goodnight Maria.

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