Chapter 14

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We went to McDonald's and Samy insisted on buying me food but I still paid cause I would feel bad, even if it's only like $10 worth of food.

But guess who we ran into?


"I knew you were a fat bitch but imagine stooping this low," she laughs at herself.

"You're literally in McDonald's.. I-" Samy choked.

I looked at Samy and back at Charlotte.

Charlotte gives me a face, "I was talking to you bitch."

"Sorry, I don't speak fake," I hiss at her.

"Maybe that's why Mariano came back running to me after last night," she shrugs.

Mariano wouldn't, he knows better.

"You're lying," Samy stares her down.

"I have all the receipts boo, wanna share your thoughts?" She pulls out her phone and flips through it. She turned it around and showed Samy and me.

She was being serious.

Mariano did text her last night.

"You can't be serious, he said you were a one time thing," Samy says in disbelief.

Charlotte laughs, "you're shitting me, he's obviously in love with me. Are you dumb?" She gives Samy a face.

Me and Samy look at eachother, telepathically saying, this bitch on some shit.

"Great catch up! But me and Samy gotta go, have fun with your little toy!" I wave at her as I grabbed Samy's wrist and pull him out of McDonald's.

"Samy I don't get it, Mar told me he only wanted me. Why would he lie?" I hold onto his arm looking up at him.

Samy gives me a sad look, "I feel betrayed too, atleast we're in this together," he smiles.

He's right, Samy and him known eachother for the longest time, right? It must be hard on him that Mariano would lie to him like that.

"You know what? Fuck him. We have eachother, its better that we get rid of him if he's just going to lie to us, never have I would've thought my bestfriend, my brother, would just throw me out like that," Samy looks down.

I give him a reassuring smile, I bring my hand to his and hold it, giving it a squeeze I look back at him.

"I'm sorry," is all I said before leaning my head on his shoulder again.

We decided to go walk around at the mall and go shopping.

This reminded me how me and Mariano were chased by his fans, where he held my hand.

"You know," he looks at me, "when you first entered the room, I thought you were really pretty."

I frown, "so now I'm ugly?" I joke.

Samy shakes his head, "wait no no no, I didn't mean it like that," he chuckles nervously. "I mean, you're like... really really.. attractive? You know, I feel like any guy would be lucky to have you," he smiles, and so does his eyes.

My heart, it's crying.

"You have me," I grin.

"You know, I guess I really do."


Once we got to my house again we just hung out, did tiktoks, and watched tiktoks.

We were laughing and making fun of people who were saying, "where's Mariano?"

"I don't miss him at all anymore," Samy leaned back yawning.

"I'm kind of bummed out but you know, old news," I said scrolling through more tiktoks on his phone.

"How can you survive without a phone?" Samy asked me.

I shrugged, "I mean, less drama for me."

Samy looked at me and grabbed onto my hand.

He started rubbing circles on it and I looked at him confused. "What's on your mind?" I asked him.

He bites his cheek, "I feel like that wasn't the only reason Mariano would go back to her, like before the incident he-" Samy cut himself off.

I frown and move my hand from his grasp. "What incident?" I asked confused.

He shakes his head, "nothing, sorry."

He's hiding something, I know it but I'm not going to push.

"Fuck," Samy mumbled.

I look at him and before I could question him he quickly gets up and kisses me.

So many thoughts were running through my head.

One thing I could say is, I would be lying if I said I didn't like this.

And soon, I kissed back.

Maybe he is the right one for me, why not find out?


I'm sorry I just reallylylylyy like Samy and Vanessa together Shshshcjccicls

I didn't bother to edit this sorryY

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