Chapter 5

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Everyone ended up going home besides Mariano and Samy.

It's his house after all.

"Alright guys, I'm tired, also Mar is sleeping over, you down Nessa?" Samy asked me.

I thought about it,

Well I definitely don't want to go home, but I also didn't have clothes.

"I don't have clothes," I shrugged.

"I got ya," Samy got up from the bed and messed with his drawers and got out a large
T-shirt and sweats.

I grabbed them and went to the bathroom and put them on. When I got out Samy was passed out on the bed. I sat on the floor.

"Here sit next to me," Mariano instructed as he patted the seat next to him on the little couch. I walked over to him and sat.

Mariano opened Instagram and took a selfie of us.

I smiled and Mariano did smile,

A rare encounter.

He captioned it, 'goodnight.'

"You should smile more," I looked at him. Mariano shrugs, "I don't like my smile."

I frowned, "it's cute what?" I mumbled.

He smirked, "what?"

I looked away at my phone.

"What's your IG, let me follow you on my main and spam," he looked over to me.


"Followed," he smiled. Seeing him smile makes me smile.

Why is it so contagious?

"Wait so what are you?" I ask him.

He looks at me confused, "white, black, mixed, hispanic?"

"Mexican, I know I look white." He chuckles.

"Not really," i shrug.

"What are you?"

"I'm Puerto Rican," I said as I look back to my phone.

"You're cute." Mariano gives me a small smile.

"Your friends are cute," I smirked.

Mariano gives me a face, "and I'm not?" I eyed him, "you're the ugly duckling," I choked. He places his hand on his chest. "Okay, I'm offended I'm blocking you." Mariano pouts and goes on his phone.

"I'm kidding, I'd be lying if I said you weren't the cutest," I shrug. I pause, "wait, Samy is actually."

"I mean, he is fucking hot not gonna lie, that's why we're dating," Mariano licks his lips. "Damn so you're not single," I fake cry.

He puts his hands up, "na na na, I'm kidding, and I am single... I mean you tryna change tha-"

"Shut the fuck up, Nessa is mine." Samy gets up, I laugh at the sudden change on Marianos face.

Samy grabs my wrist and pulls me into the bed with him.

"Threesome?" Mariano smirks.

"Child-" I choke.

"I mean..." Samy licks his lips.

"Okay I'm going home, bye." I get up.

Samy pulls me back in, he hugs me.

I close my eyes.

I can so get use to this.

"Goodnight, Nessa." Samy whispers into my ear.


Waking up, I slowly open my eyes. "Morning Samy." I turn around.

He smiles, his dimples showing more than ever.

"Good morning Nessa," he looks into my eyes.

I look to where Mariano was and he was just staring at us. Once he saw me looking he immediately looked away.

I looked back at Samy. "What're we doing today?" I asked him.

He shrugs, "I kinda just wanna chill with you here," he says as he closes his eyes.

I look at Mariano, I mouthed to Mariano, save me.

He smirks, "me and Nessa got plans today, sorry Samy."

Samy whines, "awe, that's so unfair, why didn't you invite me?"

"Samy, after school tomorrow we can talk," I assure him. He grins, "yay."

He's such a child.

I get up.

"Let's go to my house and get changed real quick." Mariano grabs his keys and walks with me out the door.

"Bye Sam!" I wave to him.

"Bye daddy," Mariano smirks.

"Bye hotties," Samy lays back down.

Once me and Mariano are at his house he lets me borrow one of his sisters shorts and lets me use his hoodie.

We decided to go to the mall and mess around, Mariano insisted on buying me a few things but I just declined.

When we were there, a bunch of kids from our school were also there.

Mariano was really popular at school so people dabbed him up and stuff.

I felt awkward because I wasn't use to receiving this much attention.

Mariano took notice of this and slung his arm around my shoulder.

Really mar? This will cause more attention.

"The guys are giving you looks," he whispered to me, "put your arm around my waist," he commanded me.

I slowly did it, the guys who looked at me looked away as soon as Mariano glared at them.

I felt safe.

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