Chapter 7

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My eyes open to the sound of my alarm clock.

I turn around and disable it. I would usually immediately reach for my phone but yeah.

I was getting ready for school and when I was done I went downstairs to make some cereal.

I decided to make Reese's Puffs. Mattia.

When I was done eating I grabbed my keys and got inside my car. Putting my backpack aside I drove to school.

It was currently 7:30 am and I'm late to first period.

It was my second day at school so I got lost on trying to find it.

I ended up finding it at 7:50 am, I knocked on the door and the teacher let me in. Fortunately, I looked around and saw Samy. Once he saw me a big grin was plastered on his face.

"We sit in alphabetical order, let me get my sheet," the teacher says as he grabbed his attendance paper.

He read the last names and sat me next to one of the other students.

Samy was two seats on the left in front of me. He looked behind me and waved.

I smiled, 'hi' I mouthed.

"Already? Distractions?" The teacher face-palmed.

I choked back a laugh. Samy turned around and continued writing on his paper.

"You're the girl who hangs out with Charlotte?" Someone asked me on my right.

I look and shrug,

He was pretty cute not gonna lie.

"Not really, why?" I asked curious. He thinks, "I don't know, I kind of like her."

"Oh I'm Viktor by the way." He smiled at me. "I'm Vanessa," I introduce.

He looks back at the teacher and back at me. "You're cute," he grins.

I just chuckle and listen to what the teacher says.

When class ended I got up.

Samy quickly walked over to me, "Yo, how was yesterday? Why didn't you answer my texts?" Samy asked me.

"It could've been better but it was good, I guess. Some dick shattered my phone, but Mar beat his ass up," I giggle at the thought of it, "totally had it coming."

Samy smirks, "so, you and ma-"

"There's nothing going on," I quickly inform him. He shrugs, "whatever you say."

"I have to go find Dante, did you guys start on the math project?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, "hell nah, Charlotte is doing that shit by herself."

I couldn't help but feel bad for Charlotte.

Charlotte isn't the only one in the wrong, Mariano did use her for sex.

Is that all though? Is it just because one person she hates the entire group?

"We're going to be late, lets go, who do you have next?" He asks me. I take out my schedule and show him.

"It's the door to the right, you have Dante in that class by the way," he tells me as he waves me off.

"Sit by me during lunch! Bye." Samy walks towards his classes.

I walk into class and nobody is in the class yet.

I introduce myself to the teacher and she tells me we don't have assigned seats, all I need was a notebook.

I sit to the far back.

The class starts filling up with students.

I look down at my notebook and see Charlotte walk in.

She walks towards me. Dante then walks in and notices it, he runs up to me.

Those legs soccer boy.

"What the fuck?" Charlotte hisses.

"Yo, Nessa didn't know you were in this class," Dante grins.

I smile, "well, now you know." Charlotte walks up to us, "get up Dante. Me and Vanessa have a few things to discuss," she says with a straight face.

Dante laughs, "you really think I'm going to get up, what a joke."

"Fuck out of here," he says more seriously.

She bangs her hands on the desk, "fine, but Nessa come with me. Now."

I mean, I should've saw this coming.

I leave my backpack on my seat and walk with Charlotte out of the classroom.

She pushes me against the locker.

"What the fuck man?" I say in shock.

She smirks, "I warned you, Vanessa."

I push her off me, "fuck off dude."

She grabs my wrist and twists it a bit.

Tears start trailing down.

Now a whole group of students surrounded us with their phones recording.

I was pinned, I couldn't move.

I lifted my knee and kicked her in the stomach.

She grunts and lets go of me.

I grab her neck and push her onto the ground. I started punching her face.

"They're my friends, something you will never ever be to anyone. I suggest you to back the fuck off us or things will get ugly," I threatened her.

She groans in pain.

Blood trickles down her nose, she attempts to spit at me but I ended up punching her again.

I get down to her ear, "try me," I whisper with venom.

"Woah, Vanessa?" A deep voice I recognize walks up to me.

"Mar-" I say confused.

"What is going on?!" The principal walks up to us.

I couldn't say anything.

"This crazy bitch attacked me for no reason!" Charlotte said in fake shock.

"I-uh- what?" I stuttered.

Way to go.

Mariano steps up front, "I know one of you trick fucks has the video, share it now."

"I have it," Samy walks out of the crowd.

Wow so you're gonna watch me fight her and not do anything about it? Ok.

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