Chapter 4

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I wish finishing shopping with Charlotte and told her my stomach was hurting and I wanted to go home.

She understood and offered to drop me off.

"I'll pass, my dad told me he's going to take me to the doctors so I'll wait here." I excused myself.

She frowned, "I can just drop you off at home and you guys can leave from there." She insisted.

I mentally roll my eyes, "I'll be fine Charlotte, thanks for hanging out with me today though," I smile.

She nods and hugs me, "see ya."


I grab my phone and text Samy to pick me up, which he replied with a quick 'on my way'.

Within five minutes Samy said he was here so I went up front and was greeted with a Smiling Samy, a bitchface Mariano, and a excited Dante.

I thought it was just going to be me and you but okay.

I enter the car and say hi to the boys.

"We're going back to my place, okay Nessa?" Samy looks at me through the mirror.

"Yeah sure." I nod.

"In da car with me and my boys and my girlfriend you know what it is and what it be!" Dante held his phone high as he recorded a Snapchat.

Samy blew a kiss and Mariano flipped off the camera.


"Delete that!" I shouted at him.

He shook his head and proceeded to post it.

What if Charlotte finds it???

"Don't worry we don't have Charlotte added." Mariano said as if he read my mind.

I pursed my lips, a wave of relief hitting me.

"Oh." Is all I said.

A few minutes later we arrived at Samy's house,

"Nessa, we need to talk to you about Charlotte," Dante brought up.

"Yeah?" I said interested.

Samy and the others nod.

We all sit down on Samy's bed and I sit on the floor.

"One upon a time, we all use to be pretty good friends not even gonna lie, we saw her as a sister, besides Mar here, back when we were super close, Mariano and her were closer if you know what I mean, and one day they were at eachothers house and Charlotte went on his phone and sent pictures out of Mar, not good pictures. When we confronted her she told us she was going to make our life a living hell and-" Samy was cut off by Dante,

"Not to mention, we knew her since we were 10!" Dante shouted.

Did she really do that?

"She seemed to nice," I looked down at my feet.

Had she really been fake this whole entire time?

"What they're saying is they don't want you to get hurt by that manipulative whore," Mariano cuts in.

"Not that I care, I don't even know you," he added.

I nodded, "so what should I do?"

"Cut her out of your life," Samy simply said.

"We should've warned you before you walked into class, she's probably going to get her plastic little friends on you," Dante mumbled.

"Did she try anything on you guys?" I asked.

"Well.. its a long story, but yes. She started going around the school sayin we said the n word and she even told my crush I liked her, I got rejected by someone I didn't even tell them I liked them!" Samy fiddled with his thumbs.

"Aw, I'm sorry," I get up and hug Samy. He gladly returns the hug.

"We should do a tiktok, I haven't posted in a while," Mariano changed the subject.

Samy and Dante jump up, Dante grabs my hand and sets me in the middle.

We made like five tiktoks in the span of 6 minutes.

They were getting a bunch of comments like, "who is she??" blah blah blah, most of them weren't hate comments but they came in time to time.

Samy even put the audio, 'hot girlfriend check'

After we were done, my phone was filled with instagram notifications.

"How the fuck did they find my instagram? It's private." I asked them.

"Put your insta to Public," Mariano told me.

"I don't want random people to like and comm-" I was cut off by Mariano snatching my phone and messing with it.

"Give it back," I whined.

He smirked and continued messing with it.

He went to the bathroom, 20 seconds later coming out,

"Your recent is hot," he licked his lips.

I checked my phone and he posted a picture of himself SHIRTLESS on my instagram, captioned, "hi."

"What?! Why can't I post one of me?" Samy snatched my phone as well.

He posted a video of all of us on my Snapchat story and my instagram story.

"Gang gang," he captioned it on both of them.

Mariano took my phone from Samy and was looking through my snapchat.

Suddenly, a FaceTime call rang the room.

"It's Charlotte." Dante growled.

Mariano picked it up, he flipped her off.

"What.the.fuck." Charlotte said with anger filling her voice.

"Fuck do you want?" Samy asked.

Charlotte hung up.

"Why?" I jumped on the bed and buried my face into Samy's pillow.

Samy laid next to me. "Fuck her, who cares?"

He's right, who cares? She fucked them over, it's what she deserves anyways.

I was content with that thought as I got up and confidently said, "you're right, who cares."

"I will never understand women," Mariano facepalmed.

Dante laughed and joined me, "yeah!"

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