•.•^Chapter One^•.•

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Run. That's the only thing that kept running through the brunette's mind as his legs carried him as fast as they could through the dark woods. The moon illuminating his surroundings.

Run. Run...Run..RUN

And then he heard a scream of pain in the distance but he didn't turn back. He didn't stop running, No, he kept pushing forward. Not caring about the tightening feeling in his chest or the stinging he felt on his thighs.

He had to ignore it. He had to ignore the urge of giving up. Because he knew if he gave up, he would be giving up his life. He didn't want to die, he was still only eighteen years old and there was still so much he wanted to do in life.

Howling. He could hear the sound of the wolves chasing him, he was sure death was getting closer to him as he kept running. He already heard the agonizing scream of his friend that he left behind without hesitation. But he was scared, he didn't know what else to do. So he ran. He ran away. Leaving his blond haired friend to die.

Thinking back on his actions, he could feel the tears threatening to fall from his ocean eyes.

This was his punishment.

This was his punishment for disobeying his mother and going into the woods.

This was his punishment for going beyond the walls that surround his village.

And now because of his actions, Armin is dead.

A loud scream of fear and pain escaped the brunette's mouth as his body collided with the hard ground below him. A wolf had pounced on him and it's claws were digging into the pour boy's back. A shriek of pain left his mouth once again as another came running in and without hesitation, dug it's sharp fangs into the boy's arm.

The actions kept repeating. Another wolf coming and getting it's share of the boy's body. His vision was slowly starting to blur and he could feel death starting to consume him.

This is it...he was going to die. Alone in the woods. No one would be there to see him. Everyone would continue living their normal lives, not realizing that the boy was no longer living among them. His life would end.

The boy's eyes closed and darkness consumed his mind.

And then he heard the sound of a wolf crying out in pain. He was confused, he couldn't feel his body anymore and his life was on a loose thread waiting to be cut. He hadn't moved and his eyes were closed, the only thing in his vision was an endless void of darkness. So one question remained,

What caused the wolf to cry out?

And then he heard it again. One after another. Screams filled the air. And the sound of bones snapping.

After the last scream, the boy lost all consciousness and drifted away into the depths of Hell.

A man. A man whose skin was pale, was standing next to the boy's lifeless body. Staring down at him with hunger filled eyes. The scent of blood filled the air. All sort of creatures in the woods were on high alert. The man kneeled down and his mouth got closer to the boy's neck. His fangs stretched out and he was ready to consume the boy. But he stopped. And his grey eyes stared at the boy's face. He could still feel the faint gasp for air coming from the brunette's mouth.

He was still alive.

He was still holding onto that loose thread.

The man was just going to end his suffering by ending his life. But his eyes kept glancing at his face, his hand brushed a little of his brown bangs to the side. The boy was beautiful. The man couldn't kill him nor could he drink the boy's blood.

He didn't want to do either of those things.


He wanted to save him.

His raven hair blew to the side slightly as a breeze passed by. He was deep in thought. Thinking on his next move, there was only one person who could help him. Sighing in defeat, he gently lifted the boy's body and carried him to his next destination.

Leaving behind the wolves he had killed. And ignoring the urge to drink the boy dry right then and there.


It was soft. He was so warm. Which was odd because he was pretty sure he had just died not to long ago. But for some reason when he opened his eyes, he found himself laying comfortably in a bed. Wrapped up in warm, soft, black blankets.

The boy slowly sat up and immediately his head began to throb and he winced in pain.

"Careful. Don't move around so much brat."

The boy jumped in shock and looked to the side of the bed to see a man sitting in a chair by a smooth brown wooden table. There was a white cup of black tea in his hand and his silver grey eyes stared at the boy examining the human he had saved not to long ago. He could tell the brunette was frightened by him.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. If I was, I would've left you to die in the woods."

The boy's eyes widened and he looked down at his hands recalling the events that had happened. He was sitting in a warm soft bed, alive and healthy, while his only friend's corpse rotted away in the woods.

"You should've left me to die. I don't deserve to live."

Right when the words left his mouth, he received a smack to his face. And his eyes widened when he got a close up look at the man who saved his life.

His skin was pale, and his hair was raven black. But what really made the boy shake were the two fangs that rested in the man's mouth.

"What's the matter? Scared of vampires?"

The boy gulped and slowly got out the bed ignoring the pain he received from his head. "Um, thanks for saving me but I should be leaving now..." the boy made his way to the door and tried to open it, only to realize it was locked.

He jumped in shock when he heard footsteps walking towards him and turned to face the raven haired vampire.

"You'll be safe if you stay here with me. Now that I did what I had to do to save you, you've become something rare and valuable to other creatures and if they discover what you are now, they'll hunt you down non-stop. But you'll be safe if you stay in the Castle and remain at my side. But don't worry I'm the Prince of Vampires, I don't think anyone would dare try to hurt someone who's with me. My names Levi by the way, what's yours?"

The brunette stood there shaking,

What did the vampire do to him to make him rare and valuable?

The Prince of Vampires?

Just what the hell is going on?

But this vampire did save his life...and it's not like the boy could go anywhere and live...

Maybe he could live a better life here with this vampire...

"M-My name is Eren."

The man smirked down at his new guest.

This was just the beginning of many things that was about to come...

A/N: I decided to try a new style of writing. Did I do good? I hope this is interesting, Love you all! ❤️

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