•.•.•^Chapter Nineteen^•.•.•

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"So when are we planning to go back to get the damn kid you captured and then let get away?"

The blond haired girl leaned against the stone wall of the cave with her arms crossed, glaring at the old man in front of her.

"Patience Annie. Patience."

"Aye Old man, won't we have to kill the kid since we found out that he's not entirely like us and could possibly get in the way?" The muscular blond male had a smug look on his face and cracked his knuckles, ready to kick some ass. The tall man next to him rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Yes we will. But we still have to make sure we do Part B before moving on to Part C. So like I said, Patience."



"Tch. What the hell are you talking about? That's for marriage. I don't need your blessing to fuck Eren!"

The tall blond and small raven went back and forth while Eren sat on the floor letting Isabel do his hair.

"He was innocent! But your lustful ways ruined him!"

"My lustful ways? What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"As punishment, you can't touch Eren for 3 years."

"3 years?! What are you, crazy? That's not for you to decide anyways! Right Eren?"

The brunette just shrugged and handed Isabel a clip for his hair, she grabbed it and smiled. Behind her stood Farlan who was doing her hair while listening to the quarrel Erwin and Levi were having.

"Are you guys done with your childish argument?" The brunette haired werewolf asked as she marched into the room with a wide smirk on her face.

"What's got you in such a cheery mood?" The tall blond crossed his arms as the raven turned his attention to the suspicious female that had walked into the room.

"Oh nothing!" Hanji shouted throwing her arms up in the air to stretch.

Everyone in the room turned their full attention on the cheerful werewolf as she took a seat on one of the couches in the room.

"Ok fine! Jeez! I know you'll probably hate this Levi but ya know there's a lot of kids who live down in the villages...and apparently there's going to be a festival today to celebrate the day Werewolves, vampires, demons and other creatures signed the contract." The werewolf paused, waiting for a reaction before continuing. Levi just stood there with an expressionless face and crossed arms.

"Aaannnd! Your Uncle. King Kenny, wants you to go down there and help out with the festival and entertain the kids and so forth."


"There's the reaction I was waiting for!"

The raven stomped over to the female brunette with anger filled eyes, "Did my Uncle order this?"

Hanji nodded with a wide smirk and the vampire was about to yell all sorts of words if it weren't for the brunette who let out an excited squeal. Everyone turned their attention towards the young boy who stood up from the floor.

"Is it ok if I come too! I promise I won't be in the way! I'll be good! I swear!"

"That's a great idea! The royal couple helping out at a festival! That would be so romantic!" The werewolf and the brunette gave each other a high five with huge smiles.

"Romantic isn't exactly what I would call it..." the raven mumbled.

Today was truly going to be an eventful day for the couple. But not in the way they were thinking.


"Why did I have to come again?"

"Because Jean you'll be a great ride for the kids!"

The brunette had a smug smirk on his face and the horse looking man glared at him, "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means while we're here you're going to go horse form and give the kids a horsey ride!" The young boy laughed and he made his own interpretation of horse noises. "But of course you don't have to go full horse form. I'm sure you're face will be enough to have a kid ask for a horse ride."

"Do you want me to kill you?"

"Go ahead and try Jean."

The two boys stopped in their tracks and turned around to see a raven haired vampire, there was this dark aura surrounding him. Eren smiled and ran up to his lover, wrapping his arms around the man's neck. Jean cleared his throat and the three of them continued their walk out the castle and towards the carriage that would escort them to the village.

The brunette had recently discovered that Levi isn't a big fan of kids, especially loud ones that run around giggling and pushing. It's kind of funny how the raven's attracted to Eren, considering how childish he can be.

Soon enough, the three of them were outside and making their way into the carriage, while Eld sat on the seat in the front and signaled the horses to get moving.

"So Levi how can you tolerate me if you can't stand being around kids?"

The raven clicked his tongue and looked down at the head laying in his lap, "Because I can tolerate brats like you. I just can't tolerate little kids." The brunette smirked "I mean you're not to far off from them, You're pretty littl-."

"Eren shut up."


The carriage became silent and eventually Eren fell asleep in the raven's lap. When Levi glanced up he noticed Jean smiling admirably at the two of them.

"Oi, what the hell are you smiling at us for? Eren's mine so you can forget it."

"What!? No way in hell! He's so not my type!"


"No offense. Anyways your majesty I have a lover of my own. I was just smiling because it reminded me of the time I spent with him."

Levi calmed down a bit and ran his muscular fingers through Eren's hair. "Where's your lover right now?"

The young boy tensed up and then slouched in his seat, "I don't know. We got separated when I was captured by the Demons."

"Oh? If you want I can send a search party to find him. I just need a first and last name."

Jean smiled, "His name is Marco Bodt!"

The raven nodded and stored the name in his memory. He knows how it feels to lose your lover and miss them. He got Eren back, it was only fair he helped Jean get his lover back.

After about an hour of silence and quick conversation, the carriage came to a halt and Eren's ocean eyes popped open from the sudden stillness of the vehicle.

The three of them could hear the sounds of laughter coming from the children outside. Levi groaned not wanting to step out of the secure space he was in. Jean sat there looking annoyed from the reason he was brought along to begin with. And Eren's eyes sparkled as he peeked out the carriage window, gazing at all the little faces smiling at him from the other side of the glass.

"Ok! Let's go!"

A/N: Hope you liked the chapter! ❤️ Love you all!

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