•.•.^Chapter Three^.•.•

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"Just what the fuck are you doing here?"

Those words left the raven haired vampire's mouth with a harsh and annoyed tone. He didn't invite these demons into his castle nor did he ever plan on doing so. He was practically growling as they eyed the brunette standing next to him. He was shaking with so much fear, that he was sure Eren would end up passing out from shock.

"I didn't know you had a human in your possession."

A man with black hair and tan skin stepped forward with a stern glare towards Eren. He had large black wings and two sharp horns on the top of his head, the only thing that he was wearing was a black cloak that covered every inch of his body. His name was Nile. A man the raven absolutely despised. Levi stood in front of Eren protectively, he hardly knows the boy and isn't known for caring for humans, but this brat was different. Ever since he looked at the boy's face in the woods, he felt some sort of connection.

"Yeah I do, what's it have to do with you?" Levi replied calmly. He was in no mood to deal with Demons today, they were nosy and annoying creatures.

"May I ask why you have a human in your castle? You seem very protective over him."

Eren moved a little so he was behind Levi. His hands were clenched at his sides, he was nervous and scared. The glares he was receiving from the Demons in front of him were making him shake all over and his head was starting to feel light. He thought he would never calm down when Levi grabbed his hand, causing the brunette to slightly jump from the sudden contact. But the next words were what really made the boy stand there in shock, he wasn't sure if he was even breathing anymore as the words left the vampires mouth.

"This Human is my lover. And I'll be marrying him next year."

Everyone in the hallway at that very moment looked at the Prince in shock with their jaws dropped, all except Levi who just stood there with a smirk on his face.

"Prince Levi!! Have you gone mad! Marrying a human! Your Uncle won't be ok with this!"

"Who gives a fuck on what my Uncle thinks, it's my life and I'll gladly do what I want with it."

"You're making a big mistake and you know it."

"No I'm not, I'm doing what I wanna do. The mistake you're making is walking into my castle without my permission, and intruding on my personal business. Now if you wouldn't be so kind, I'd like you to leave from my presence."

The raven didn't even wait for a reply as he yanked his "Lovers" hand and made his way to his office. When they got in, Levi quickly released the boy's hand and sat at his desk with a sigh. "Sorry Eren...that was the only thing I could think of at the moment."

The brunette stood by the wall of the vampire's office, still shocked at the words he heard earlier but now he had calmed down a bit after Levi explained the sudden news.

"It's ok, I wouldn't mind being your lover."

The raven haired vampire raised an eyebrow and glanced at the boy who stood calmly in the corner of the room. Finally realizing what he had said the boy's face became flushed and his eyes widened,

"N-No! I didn't mean it like that! I just...I mean...you're really kind to me and all! And I wouldn't mind being known as you're lover...Wait...I! Ugh let me just shut up!" After his little outburst, Eren turned to face the wall next to him, which at the moment looked very interesting to him. Levi chuckled and stood up from his desk and made his way over to the brunette, and he would be lying if he said he didn't glance at his ass.

"You know, now that I told them you're my lover, news will spread. So in public you're gonna have to act like my lover and in time marry me."

Eren's eyes widened and he turned to face the vampire with blushed cheeks.

"B-But! I hardly know you! And you hardly know me! Plus You're way to good for someone like me! And we're both guys....like how does that even work?"

The raven sighed at how innocent Eren is and moved closer to the brunette,

"Well then, I guess we'll just have to get to know each other and before you know it, you'll always want to be with me."

Eren looked down at the ground and sighed, clenching his fists "But...even if I did fall for you, you'd never want to be with someone like me...I'd probably be better off dead somewhere in the woods."

For some reason that sentence made the Raven mad, he growled as he grabbed Eren by his collar and pinned him against the wall. Eren stared at the man with wide eyes as he saw Levi's eyes go from a silver color to a dark red.

"Why do you think that huh!? You said it the day you woke up after I saved you! And you're saying it again! Why is that!? Why do you think it'd be better if you were dead!? I wanna know! Talk to me damn it!"

Eren just sighed and looked down at the ground.

"Let me go."

Levi's eyes widened and he released the boy, clenching his fists at his sides.

"So you're not gonna tell me? I save you and this is how you treat me?"

The brunette clenched his fists and shoved the raven haired vampire away from him.

"I never asked you to save me! No one did! You could've just left me to die! But you didn't! You saved me! You only saved me when you should've saved him! I hate you!" Eren wiped away the tears that had fell and then ran out the room not caring about the glares he received.

The raven stood there in his office, confused but angry at the same time.

Who was this him Eren was talking about?

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