•.•.•^Chapter Sixteen^•.•.•

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"How many soldiers are guarding?"

"About 3 at the front gate."

Levi and Erwin were currently standing outside of King Pixis's castle. He was so close to saving Eren, the raven couldn't wait to have that boy in his arms again.

"Alright. Avoid fights if we can. If we're seen we'll have to take them out. Hanji have you figured out Eren's location?"

The raven haired vampire looked over at the Werewolf kneeling next to him, she was staring at something near the front doors of the castle. Her eyes were wide and she looked as if she was about to cry. Levi glanced over to where she was looking and his eyes widened as well.


The brunette was being chained to a pole outside the castle and there was a podium next to it, all sorts of werewolves were gathering around and eyeing the young boy. Eren has lost all color in his ocean eyes, he was wearing a white silk dress and there was a white flower crown on his head.

He looked so empty and sad...

The raven clenched his fists and was about to stand up when a hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.

"Hold on Levi. We're all on edge now but we can't just charge in...there's to many werewolves." Levi looked up at Erwin and sighed, looking over to Hanji and then to his other soldiers.

"I need to save him. He's so close. I can see him. He's suffering. I'm not gonna stand by and wait to see what's gonna happen next. I'm going to get him, I'm gonna take him back!"

Hanji sighed and handed the vampire a hood and a tail, "Jeez. You're so predictable. Put this on and go get him. If anything goes wrong we'll be right here and ready to help. You're not the only one who cares about the kid..."

Levi smirked and nodded as he grabbed the hood and tail, putting them both on before making his way towards Eren. The raven made sure his hair and face were somewhat covered and slowly made his way through the crowd.

Checking his surroundings, the vampire looked around for Pixis or any other werewolf that may recognize him. Deciding it was safe he walked right up to Eren and almost cried when he got a better look at the boy's condition. His eyes were a dark empty green color, his skin was pale, and he had a couple of bruises. Levi reached his hand out towards the brunette's cheek and his skin was stone cold, "Eren...can you hear me? It's me Levi. I'm here to save you. I'm gonna take you home now." A single tear fell from the raven's eye as Eren looked into his grey eyes.

Relief washed over Levi as the boy's eyes slowly regained their natural color. The brunette had snapped out of his trance when he heard his lover's voice.

"L-Levi..is it...is it really you?" the raven nodded and smiled as his thumb rubbed his queen's cheek. "H-how are you here? When did you..."

"Sssh. Calm down. We don't wanna grab unwanted attention. There's a crowd of werewolves here, I'm gonna have Erwin and Hanji cause a distraction while I unchain you."

Eren's eyes sparkled at the mention of Hanji and Erwin. He truly did miss everyone. The raven looked over to where Hanji and Erwin were hiding and put his left hand up in the air, signaling them to take action.

The werewolf and blond haired vampire looked at each other and nodded. Hanji stood up and let out a loud howl signaling Eld to come charging in with his horses and Troops along with Petra. Levi's distraction was gonna be his revenge on Pixis.

They were going to attack the castle.

Once the werewolves all started running away in panic, Levi quickly took out his sword and cut Eren free from his chains. The brunette quickly jumped into his lover's arms and tears quickly streamed down his face. The raven wrapped his arm around the boy's waist and rubbed his other hand through his brown hair, kissing the brunette passionately on the lips.

"I was so scared!" The boy cried out, "I lost hope that you were gonna come for me! I thought you abandoned me! You jerk! I hate being scared! Don't ever keep me waiting that long again!"

The brunette punched the raven in his arm, which didn't have an effect on Levi. He looked at the boy with a stern expression but you could see the loving concern in his eyes.

"Eren I would never abandon you. You're my everything. Without you I'm nothing. You help me live better. You're the one thing keeping me alive. I was frozen but you're bright smile melted my loneliness away. And now that I have you in my grasp, I'll never let you go."

Eren smiled and buried his face in the raven's neck, the vampire placed a kiss on the side of the boy's head and rubbed his hand up and down the brunette's back.

While they had their reunion, Erwin and the others were taking werewolf after werewolf to the grave. Eld pulled up next to the lovebirds with a carriage, Eren wrapped his legs around the raven's waist and Levi carried the boy inside. Before sitting down, he looked over at his fighting soldiers and yelled,



According to Hanji, Pixis had escaped hours ago with three other people. Eren classified them as Annie, Reiner, and Bertodlt and claimed that they were just like him. Even though Hanji wanted answers she knew better then to ask the boy after he had just escaped that hell hole. Levi was happy to have his lover back in his arms but deep down he had this uneasy feeling in his stomach, there was no way saving Eren could've been that easy.

Did Pixis want them to get Eren back? What's the bigger picture to all of this!?...

"You're doing it again."

The raven looked down at the brunette as they both laid down in the bed, "Doing what?"

"You're worrying about something. You're eyebrows furrow when something's on your mind. "

"I'm just worried about you. It's only natural for a prince to be worried about his lover."

"But Levi! I'm ok now! I'm here with you! And I won't leave your side ever again! I promise!"

The raven sighed and placed a soft kiss on the boy's nose, "You better keep that promise."

A/N: Yay! They're together again! If you guys are wondering about Jean, don't worry, he'll be in the next chapter! I really hope you guys are enjoying this story! A lot more things will be revealed later! Thanks for all the votes and comments! Love you all! ❤️❤️

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