•.•.•^Chapter Ten^•.•.•

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"Go ahead torture me all you want. I don't care if you kill me or cut off my limbs. I already know what you're hiding."

The raven pushed the knife closer to the demon's throat, causing a drop of blood to show, "And what's that?"

"That boy. The one you love so much, he isn't even human anymore. He's not vampire, werewolf or demon but he's a little bit of all of them. So tell me Levi how would you still be able to love him after he's just a rotting corpse on a lab table?"

The raven's eyes opened wide, he was laying in his bed sweating. Just a dream...no...a memory...

He heard a groan and turned to see a certain young brunette cuddled up against him. He placed a gentle kiss on the boy's forehead causing his ocean eyes to pop open.

"Why do you always wake up so early?" The boy groaned, Levi chuckled and rubbed his fingers through Eren's hair "You can go back to sleep if you want brat." The boy shook his head and buried his face in the raven's chest "Just hold me...for a little bit..." the vampire nodded and wrapped his arms around the brunette, it's been 5 days since the incident at the Demon Castle. Sadly Nile was revived which had Levi on edge, but he would do absolutely everything to make sure his brat is safe. He won't let Eren leave his side.

They both closed their eyes and laid there in silence. They almost drifted back to sleep when their bedroom doors burst open and a certain werewolf stomped into the room.


The two men groaned and Eren threw a pillow at the brown haired woman while Levi yelled "Fuck off Hanji!" The werewolf just giggled as she dodged the pillow and sat at the edge of their bed.

"Come on, Prince Levi you have duties to attend to today. Eren can tag along if he would like too but there's things that need to be taken care of. And one of them is very urgent."

Levi sighed and sat up, Eren doing the same as well, "I'll be out there in 20 minutes." The raven stated. Hanji nodded and stood up making her way out the room.

"I wish we could lay here all day but life just wants to be a bitch and make us get out of bed huh?" The brunette mumbled as he slowly got out of bed but stopped when a hand grabbed his shoulder, he winced slightly as Levi's fangs entered the boy's soft skin. When the raven got his fill he backed away and wiped his mouth with his hand, "Needed to fill my Eren needs for the day." The young boy giggled and shoved the vampire playfully "Whatever just warn me first at least."

"So do I need to warn you before I do this?"

"Do wha-"

The raven pushed the boy down on the bed getting on top of him and then placing a sweet long kiss on the brunette's lips, biting the younger's bottom lip slightly his tongue was granted permission to enter the boy's mouth. He licked every wall in the boy's mouth, enjoying every moment. When they pulled away, the two of them caught their breath and then stared into each other's eyes.

"I love you brat."

The brunette blushed "L-love you too Levi."

The two of them have been like this ever since Levi had kissed him 5 days ago. They weren't pretend lovers anymore, they were real lovers.


"What was the urgent thing we had to take care of Hanji?"

The raven and werewolf were standing in the vampire's office, Eren was in the kitchen eating breakfast along with Eld and Oluo.

"Not take care of...more like discuss and then find a solution."

The raven crossed his arms and stared at the anxious looking werewolf "Spit it out Shitty glasses."

Hanji sighed and glanced at the door making sure Eren wasn't near and then glancing back to the raven "Nile knows doesn't he? About Eren."

The raven tensed up and then sighed "Yes...he knows...and I've been worried shitless that he might try and expose Eren!"

"Levi, he scheduled a meeting with King Pixis. He doesn't want any vampires present for some reason. I think he's gonna tell him."

Levi's eyes widened and he stared down at the ground "And when exactly is this meeting?"

"It's supposed to be 2 days from now. Levi with you're permission, I'd be honored to go there to see what happens and when I have information, I'll send word immediately so you're prepared." The werewolf bowed slightly, the raven sighed and patted her head "Thanks Hanji, you're the best, you've been a great friend to have around." Hanji stood up straight and then smiled widely, wrapping her arm around the raven.

"Ah! I knew you cared for me!"

"Tch. Shut up shitty glasses."

There was a loud gasp and the two of them turned there heads to face a shocked brunette, who was standing in the doorway.



"Eren. Stop being such a baby and come out from under the blankets already."


"I can't understand you with that stupid pillow over your mouth."

The brunette poked his face out from under the blankets with a pout and glared at the raven sitting next to him "I said, you've been cheating on me."

"I wasn't cheating Eren, I was sharing a moment with my best friend. Now come here."

The brunette shook his head in denial and hid his face back under the blanket, the raven sighed and laid on top of the young boy.


"Oh so I'm heavy?" The raven pushed his elbow in the boy's back with a smirk on his face.

"What? Did I say heavy, I meant to say you're very light."

The raven chuckled and got off the brunette and instead pulling the boy into his lap while he was still wrapped in the blanket.

"I would never cheat on you brat. You're my one and only."

"Jeez that's the cheesiest pick up line ever..." Eren stated with blushed cheeks.

"Well it worked didn't it?"

A/N: Sorry for the late update! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Love you all! And thanks for all the comments and votes! ❤️❤️

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