•.•.•^Chapter Fourteen^•.•.•

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"Levi! Levi stop it! You need to calm down!"

The raven fell to his knees. His chest was wrapped in bandages and he would most likely have scars, but he didn't care. The raven haired vampire has been punching the stone wall next to him for the past 30 minutes.

He lost his best friend...

He didn't think things would get worse...


He lost his lover...

The raven watched wide eyed as Eren's body fell to the floor unconscious. A tall werewolf walked over to the brunette and threw him over his shoulder walking back over to Pixis. Levi tried to stand and walk over to them when his chest began to sting and it hurt like hell, "Damn it..." he heard footsteps walking towards him and looked up to see Pixis standing next to him with a smirk on his face.

"It appears your wounds won't heal Levi. In your condition you won't be able to stop me from taking the boy. Now all you have to do is tell your soldiers to stand down and I give you my word that your precious lover won't die."

The raven glanced at Erwin who looked ready to attack and save Eren. Eld, Hanji, and Petra were the same as well. Levi glanced at the brunette who was being touched by someone other then him. Shit! It wasn't supposed to turn out like this! He clenched his fists and cursed under his breath before turning to face his soldiers, "Stand down."

"Good. I'll be taking the boy to my castle. He really is such a rare and unknown breed. He'd make a wonderful lab rat, and of course a little torture dummy as well."

The raven let out a low growl,


"Sure you will. Didn't your mother say that as well?"

"Ugh! Son of a Bitch!" The raven punched the wall once more causing the skin on his knuckles to split and spots of blood appeared. Hanji watched calmly as Levi took his anger out on the wall next to him. She was about to make a comment when Erwin walked into the room, she sighed in relief when he nodded, signaling that he would handle things from here. The werewolf excused herself from the room leaving the other two alone.

"Levi. You alright?"

The raven quickly turned his head to look at the tall blond. "No the fuck I'm not. I lost him Erwin. I didn't do a damn thing to stop that bastard and now Eren is probably scared shitless and being poked at with needles as we speak! I WAS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HIM! But I...I failed..." Levi's voice cracked as the last couple of words left his mouth. Erwin just sighed and crossed his arms shaking his head in disappointment.

"This isn't the Levi I know. The Levi I know would never let something like this get to him. He wouldn't give a shit about all of this, he would keep his composure and figure out a plan. And I know if the Levi I knew was here now he would gather all his men, make a plan, and go save the boy he loves."

The raven clenched his fists and put his forehead against the stone wall he's been punching "Tch, yeah well the Levi you knew is gone."

The blond placed his hand on his friend's shoulder and the raven turned to face him, "Levi. Are you telling me you're just gonna let Pixis win? Just like that? You're not even going to try and save Eren? You know he trusts you and he's probably waiting for you to come barging in right now. If you truly love him you'll save him."

The raven haired vampire clenched his fists and realized that Erwin was right. He smacked himself in the face, causing a loud echo throughout the room from the hard slap.

"Sorry Erwin. I'm back now. Tell everyone to meet up in my office in 10 minutes."


It was cold. Dark. Quiet. The brunette opened his eyes slightly and found himself staring at the floor. He tried to get up and move but it was no use, the young boy was strapped to a metal table and his back was completely exposed, as well as his legs and arms. What the hell is this?!

"Ah. Glad to see you're awake." A familiar voice echoed throughout the room and Eren watched closely as footsteps passed him.

"W-Who are you?"

The footsteps stopped and the brunette shivered in fear when he felt the tips of fingers going up and down his back.

"You really are such a rare breed, and a powerful one. I would gladly use you as my ultimate weapon but you have a weakness so you aren't really that useful. Oh but don't worry I'll put you to use."

The boy's eyes widened when he heard the sound of tools being grabbed from the table next to him "I'm gonna have to suppress your ability to transform. This will hurt a lot but try not to scream. Scratch that, I want you to scream as loud as you can. Scream in pain while I torture you! No one's coming to save you!"

The brunette screamed out in pain as he felt a huge needle go into the back of his neck. "Yes! You have such a beautiful scream! I want to hear it again!" Eren heard more tools being grabbed and felt tears pricking at his eyes. The boy screamed once more when a blade was stabbed deep into his back. The man who has  been laughing and yelling became quiet and walked over to where Eren's face was looking at the floor.

The brunette was shaking with fear as he felt the man's hand rub through his hair This didn't feel right! This felt nothing like when Levi did it to him...Levi...Just the thought of seeing his lovers face again made the boy want to smile and have hope that Levi would come and save him and take him back to their castle but...

"I wonder if you'll be able to heal if you're being whipped multiple times...it seems when I stabbed you, your skin closed up right away. This is truly going to be fun."

Eren's ocean eyes widened and he screamed once more when a rubber rope made impact with the exposed skin on his back.

"I forgot to tell you, my names Pixis. I'm the king of Werewolves and you'll be staying as my number one guest for quite some time."

"Levi...p-please...s-save me..."

A/N:  Yay! Another update! Thanks for all the votes and comments! I really hope your enjoying the story! Love you all!

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