•.•.•^Chapter Seven^•.•.•

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When the carriage came to a stop in front of the Castle gates, both the raven and brunette glanced at each other. Erwin stood up from his seat "Wait here. I'll check outside." The tall blond opened the door, walking out and then closing the door behind him.

"Oi brat. You ok?"

The brunette looked uncomfortable in his seat and kept moving from one position to another "I'm just a little nervous..." Levi moved from where he sat and sat next to the boy, grabbing his hand and kissing his knuckles "You'll be fine, if you feel uncomfortable when we walk in there just tell me." Eren blushed and nodded, not to long after there was a knock on the carriage door and it opened revealing Erwin.

"Are the lovebirds ready?"

They both nodded and Levi was the first to exit the carriage, he faced the door and held out his hand. Eren gladly took it and stepped out of the carriage as well.

Once Eren was out in the open, all eyes were on him making him uncomfortable. Levi noticed and wrapped his arm around the brunette's waist, making his way into the castle.

"Ah Prince Levi nice to see that you made it."

Nile was standing by the door with a few of his guards next to him, his eyes scanned over the brunette's body and he smirked "Nice to see you brought your lover along." Levi glared at him and pulled Eren closer,

"I wish I could say it's nice to see you but it's not. Now can we get this meeting over with already."

Nile's smirk faded and he nodded once before turning around and leading the way to where the meeting was being held.


Ugh...so boring. Eren was currently sitting in Levi's lap with his face buried in the raven's neck. The room was filled with Vampires, Demons and Werewolves. No matter how badly they wanted to sneak a peak at the brunette they knew better then to provoke Levi.

"King Pixis, with all due respect you're werewolves are quite disturbing creatures. Some of them have been caught roaming in our territory and going past our borders!"

"Well King Nile you're Demons have been going past our borders as well! And I'll have you know we are not disturbing creatures, we are way more superior and clean then you'll ever hope to be!"

The raven sighed and clenched his fists, he was getting tired of the nonsense. Both sides were wrong and he was losing his patience. He was about to say something when he realized Eren was out of his lap and standing in front of everyone.

"I think this argument is pretty much pointless. I haven't really been here long but yelling at each other isn't exactly going to solve the problem. If you're so worried about invading each other's land then maybe you should add more guards on your borders, and maybe put some more distance between your territories so that way no one accidentally intrudes without knowing."

Everyone was staring wide eyed at the brunette including Levi, but eventually he just smirked and nodded in agreement. "He's right. That's exactly what you guys should do." Whispers were exchanged between everyone and soon they all nodded in agreement as well. Eren skipped happily back over to Levi's lap, feeling proud on what he accomplished. The raven chuckled and placed a kiss on the boy's nose.

"Good Job. Brat."

The brunette smiled and everyone returned to discussing other situations.


"Ugh! I'm so happy that's over!"

Eren threw himself onto the bed in the room that they were staying in for the night. It was big but not as big as Levi's room back at their castle. Their castle. The thought made the brunette smile and then blush, was he starting to fall for the raven?

"Yeah, you did good back there. I was quite shocked as well." The raven slid off his jacket and sat at the edge of the bed running his fingers through his lovers hair.

"I was shocked with myself too. Hey when we get back, I wanna move into your room."

Levi's eyes widened and he glanced down at the courageous boy. "Really?" Eren nodded and smiled, sitting up in the bed and looking into the raven's eyes. Levi smirked "Ok. If that's what you want." Eren just smiled and laid his head into the raven's lap, "Does the sun ever come out in the woods? It's always dark here...I miss the sun."

"It does. But only once every month. It hasn't come out this month yet, when it does we'll go outside together."

The brunette sat up and pouted "But won't you turn to stone or something?" Levi sent him a glare "Tch. You shouldn't believe everything you read or hear." Eren laughed and laid his head back in his lover's lap.

Eventually the brunette drifted off to sleep and the raven laid his head on a pillow and covered him in a blanket. He was about to walk away when he felt a hand grab his wrist, "Don't go." He turned to face the half sleeping brunette and smiled slightly "Ok. Brat. I'll lay with you until you actually fall asleep." As the raven laid down next to the boy he felt this weird feeling in his throat, there was a strong burning sensation and his insides felt like they would explode any minute. He knew exactly what was wrong, he was so focused on the brunette that he hasn't been drinking any blood and he left all his blood packets in his room.

"Damn it. Why now?" He mumbled under his breath. The raven's fangs started to stretch out and his eyes turned red, he tried to get out the bed but Eren's grip only tightened around him. If he didn't leave the room...he might end up hurting Eren.

"Eren. Y-You gotta let me go. I'll be back in a couple of minutes." The brunette opened his eyes and they soon widened when he noticed the state his lover was in. "Levi. What's wrong?" The raven covered his mouth with one hand and looked away from the young boy.

"I haven't been drinking blood lately and I've reached my limit...I need to go find something to drink blood from before I lose control." The raven started getting out the bed only to be stopped when a hand grabbed his.

"Eren this is serious. I need to g-"

"Drink my blood."

A/N: Thank you all for the votes and comments! They make me really happy! Love you all and keeping loving Ereri! ❤️❤️

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