•.•.•^Chapter Four^•.•.•

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The Castle has been very quiet. And The Prince was in a very bad mood, you could see the menacing aura surrounding him. The boy he had recently saved has locked himself in the room Levi kindly gave to him. He's recently sent Erwin to go and retrieve the boy along with Petra. He was done with the childish nonsense, he's given the boy three days of personal space but now he was done being patient.

"I never asked you to save me! No one did! You could've just left me to die! But you didn't! You saved me! You only saved me when you should've saved him! I hate you!"

Levi clenched his fists and sat there in thought, Seconds later he let out a sigh and gazed at the room around him as he sat in his throne. "Why did I yell at him?..." The doors burst open and Eld walked in with a concerned look, when he was about 3 meters away from the throne he bowed down.

"What's the matter Eld?"

"I'm sorry Sire but there's a little problem with Eren."

The raven haired vampire immediately stood up "What happened to him!?"


"Eren stop it! You need to calm down!"

Erwin was standing in the middle of Eren's room with Petra by his side. Eren on the other hand was standing by the wall growling at the two figures he couldn't recognize.

"What's wrong with him!?" Petra shouted, keeping her eyes on Eren as he took a couple steps toward them. Erwin just shook his head and sighed "I don't know, it must be a side effect from the blo-" before Erwin could finish his sentence Levi bursts through the doors and glanced at Eren.

His eyes were now a bright Golden yellow and he had fangs hanging out of his mouth. There were huge black wings on his back and his nails were now sharp claws. Levi took a breath and slowly walked towards him "Your majesty he's to dangerous! Don't go any closer to him!" Eld shouted from where he stood at the door along with Oluo.

"Calm down." Levi stated as he saw their fangs stretch out and their eyes change to a crimson red.

Eren growled as he walked slowly towards Levi, rage and kill was the only thing on his mind.

"Eren. I need you to calm down, we're not gonna hurt you. I promise."

The brunette growled once more and charged at Levi tackling him down to the ground. Immediately Levi's guards came rushing over to attack Eren.


"But you're majesty he's-"


Erwin, Petra, Eld, and Oluo all stood down and their fangs shrunk a little bit while their eyes changed back to their original color. Levi turned back to the brunette on top of him and placed his hand on the boy's cheek causing him to growl more. "Eren it's ok. You're ok. It's me, Levi. I need you to calm down for me, I need the Eren I know to come back." The brunette stopped growling and stared down at the raven. "L-Levi?" The raven nodded and Eren's eyes closed before he collapsed on top of Levi, returning back to his normal self. His wings, fangs and claws completely disappearing from view. The vampire sighed and ran his fingers through the boy's soft hair.

"That's better...glad you're back brat."


"So can you explain just what the hell happened to him?" Levi demanded as he sat next to the bed Eren was resting in. Hanji sighed and shook her head "Honestly I wish I could tell you...it must be a side effect from the process." Levi sighed and intertwined his fingers with Eren's, "He was completely out of it. It's like he didn't recognize anyone or even knew where he was. He probably would've killed us if I didn't say what I said. And he had fangs! He even had wings! Not to mention he had claws as well and his eyes weren't the same color!"

Hanji smiled slightly and placed a wet cloth on Eren's forehead "Have you ever thought about telling him?"

"Telling him what?"

The werewolf glared at him "Tell him what he is! Maybe if he knows it'll be easier to figure out what's happe-"

"No Hanji!! I may not know him that well yet but what I do know is that he'll blame himself! He'll be scared of himself...and I don't want that to happen, he already doubts himself. I'll tell him when I think he's ready to know."

Nothing more was said between the two and eventually Eren opened his eyes. He sat up slowly and rubbed his head "What happened?" Hanji was about to speak but Levi beat her to it, "Nothing you just passed out."

Eren nodded and looked down at his hands, Levi glanced at Hanji, signaling her to give them some alone time. She nodded and walked out closing the door behind her.

Levi was the first to speak.

"Eren I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. But I'm not sorry for what I said."

Eren shook his head "Don't be. I'm sorry for what I said too. A-And...I don't hate you. Do you think you can forgive me?" Levi nodded and rustled the brunette's hair "Of course I can brat! Just don't lock yourself away from me again." Eren giggled "Yes sir."

It was silent. But it was a comfortable silence. Eventually Levi left the room and returned minutes after with papers and some Tea. Eren sat in his bed and kept glancing at the raven, quickly turning away whenever the raven looked up at him.

After an hour Levi finally spoke up,

"What's wrong brat?"

Eren jumped in shock from the question and his cheeks turned red as he stared at his hands.

"W-Well...I was wondering if...I-if I could sit in your lap while you work?"

A/N: Oooh things are getting interesting. 😏

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