•.•.•^Chapter Five^•.•.•

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"W-Well...I was wondering if...I-if I could sit in your lap while you work?"

The raven's eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the blushing brunette. He placed his papers down and sighed,

"Come here brat."

The boy's eyes widened and he nodded as he got out the bed and made his way over to the raven haired vampire. Levi pulled him into his lap and Eren hid his face in his neck, the raven could feel his warm breath causing him to tense up slightly. This was perfect. The raven needed to ask some questions and this time Eren wouldn't be able to get away so easily.


The brunette responded with a hum as he wrapped his arms around the raven's waist. Levi wrapped his arms around Eren as well and took a breath.

"When you said I should've saved him, who were you talking about?"

The brunette tensed up and sighed, there was no use avoiding the question now. "His name was Armin. He was my best friend, He would always be the one to have my back or get me out of trouble." The boy paused and then continued "One day, while my Mother was at the market...I brought up the idea of exploring the woods. Armin instantly denied the idea but I...I forced him into it."

"And what happened after that?"

Eren's breath became shaky and he could feel the tears starting to force their way out of his ocean eyes "We went in the woods. We made it about halfway in when we heard howling. Wolves started chasing us, and...Armin tripped over a branch and a wolf immediately jumped on him..."

Eren started sobbing and looked at the Raven,

"I was so scared! I didn't know what else I could do! So I ran away! I ran away like a coward and left him to die! It's all my fault! It's my fault he died! If I...If I never forced him...it should've been me! It should've been me who died! Not...n-not-"

"Hey! Stop it!"

The raven haired vampire grabbed Eren's shoulders and pulled the boy towards him. Their faces were only inches apart.

"Don't talk like that. It's not your fault that Armin died, it's ok that you couldn't do anything to save him. Not everyone is able to save the ones they love or care for, just because someone dies and you see it doesn't mean it's your fault. Ok? You always say you should've died, but I refuse to let that happen. I saved you that day for a reason, I saved you because I didn't want you to die. Do you understand me?"

The brunette sobbed even more and nodded as he buried his face in the raven's shirt. The vampire rubbed the boy's back and placed a kiss on the brunette's forehead, they sat there together until Eren calmed down.

"You should shower and then come to eat in the kitchen. There's some clothes you can borrow in my room, Ok?" Eren nodded and rubbed his eyes, they both got up and walked out the room. The brunette made his way to the bathroom and the raven made his way to his office to drop off his papers.

When he walked in, all his guards were standing there waiting for him. He let out a sigh and walked in, taking a seat at his desk.

"What is it now?"

Erwin stepped forward and spoke up "Your majesty, the Demon King has requested that you come to his castle for a meeting. The Werewolf King has also been invited along with us. He stated that they are things that need to be discussed. He even said you should bring your human lover."

The raven sat there in thought. He didn't like this, why would Eren need to come? What was Nile planning? He stood up from his seat and walked over to his guards.

"You guys are thinking what I'm thinking. Right?"

They all nodded and Levi sighed "We'll go. But I want all of you to focus on Eren's safety. That's an order. Nile's planning something and I'm not about to let him hurt or embarrass Eren. If he's really planning to hurt him, he's gonna regret it."

"Yes sir!"


Eren felt happy as he cleansed himself in the shower. There was a nice warm feeling in his stomach. He never felt like this before. But it was a good kind of new, even though Levi made him feel somewhat better about himself there was still this lingering doubt in the back of his mind. Did he really deserve this? This chance to live and be happy? As the thoughts filled his mind his happy mood began to die down. He finished washing up and then stepped out the shower, wrapping his waist with his towel and making his way to Levi's room.

When he walked in, he stood there in awe at the sight. Levi's room was huge! And it was completely spotless, one of the things he noticed about Levi was that he liked everything to be clean. Eren made his way over to the shiny black dresser that was at the end of the room near a large window, you couldn't really see anything out of it because the glass was a dark grey color. Levi's bed was in the middle of the room, it was huge and had tons of pillows, and the blanket was a large black one, it looked like the one Eren was wrapped in the first day he woke up here.

He shifted his mind back to the clothes he needed to grab and opened one of the drawers of the dresser. He wasn't that surprised to find expensive looking clothing, he was living in a castle with a prince after all...he opened another drawer to find some T-shirts. The brunette picked out a black one, it was surprisingly long on him, which only made him giggle imagining how Levi would look in it. After all the T-shirt went down to his knees...he slid on some red shorts and dried his hair before making his way over to Levi's bed.

He threw himself onto the bed, landing face first into the softness. It smelled like Levi...the boy smirked to himself and curled up into a little ball. He felt safe and calm as he laid there in the Levi scented blankets and pillows and before he knew it he fell asleep.


Levi sat at the kitchen table waiting for the brunette to come eat the dinner Oluo had prepared for him. After about an hour, he excused himself from the table and made his way towards his room.

When he walked in he found the brunette sound asleep in his bed, wrapped up in his black blanket and surrounded by pillows. The boy had bed hair and there was little trail of drool coming from the corner of his mouth. In all honestly the raven thought the brat looked cute.

Levi sat at the edge of the bed and brushed away the bangs that were in the brunette's face away with his hand. With a sigh, he placed a gentle kiss on the boy's forehead.

"Damn brat...what am I gonna do with you?"

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