•.•.•^Chapter Twenty-Four^•.•.•

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It was a sunny Afternoon. One of the very rare days that happen once a month. The gentle warm rays beamed onto the brunette's skin as he took a deep breath, facing the blue sky above him. He really was enjoying the sunlight, it's been forever since he's felt like this and he doesn't want the day to end. If the day ended then that would mean it would go back to the cold, cloudy days. Eren was going to make the most of this sunny day, and he was going to do it with Levi.

"Tch. How can you stand out here in this sun? It's so hot."

Well he'll try to do it with Levi...

The brunette faced the raven and burst out laughing. Levi glared at him as he applied more sunscreen, "Eren, mind telling me what the hell is so funny?"

The raven was wearing a short sleeved black shirt, some jeans and a sun hat made of straw, he had sunscreen on almost every part of his exposed skin.

"I thought you said the sun didn't affect vampires..."

"It doesn't affect vampires. But the sun is not something I like. Plus you can get sunburn out here." Levi handed Eren the sunscreen who was quietly laughing to himself "-put some sunscreen on."

Eren gladly grabbed it and applied some sunscreen on his face and arms. The two of them stood outside in silence, wandering in their own thoughts thinking of the right words to say.

"Did you miss the sun Eren?"

The brunette nodded and glanced at the raven, taking in his muscular figure. Levi really was amazing, there was no word out there that could really describe just how perfect he was.

The young boy let out a sigh and grabbed his lover's hand "Levi...I wanna get to know you more. Not the Prince of vampires or the badass protector. But just you. I wanna know everything about you Levi. Just Levi."

The raven's eyes were wide at the sudden interest but he wasn't complaining. He wanted to tell Eren everything about him. The good and the bad. The light and the dark parts, that built him into the person he was today. Even if Eren will hate him in the end. With a smirk the raven guided the brunette into his lap as they both sat on a bench in the garden.

"Well what do you want to know?"

The brunette sat in the raven's lap in is own thoughts, thinking of what he should ask first.

"What kind of person were you before you met me?"

Levi let out a shaky breath The person he was...

He took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around Eren's waist placing his chin on his shoulder.

"Before I met you...I was...I was a vampire who drained the life and blood from living creatures. I did it without hesitation, I did it because I liked it. I liked how I felt after a good kill and I loved, craved, for the taste of blood everyday. But I only did it because that's how I was taught, it's how I was raised. After my Mother's death, my Uncle raised me, he became King and told me I needed to get stronger so I could carry the burdens of being my own King someday. So the only words that went through my mind were get stronger and become King. I didn't have many friends and didn't talk to many people besides Erwin, Hanji, Petra, Eld, and...and Oluo. After awhile I began hunting in the woods closer to the villages where humans lived, taking life from animals...but then...I met you Eren. I met you and you changed me. Not for the worse, but for the better. You taught me what it's like to love and be loved by others. You taught me how to live. I love you for that. I love you for you. Eren I love you so damn much."

The raven sighed as he finished the long sentence of his past, and he realized Eren was silent the entire time.

"Eren?...You ok?"

Levi closed his eyes when the brunette smashed his lips onto his. In that moment everything felt perfect, just the two of them, sitting on a bench in the sun. Their lips in perfect sync, tongues dancing at the same rhythm. When they pulled apart the two of them caught their breath, and sat there in silence.

"Eren...do you think differently about me? You can hate me, scream at me. You can even call me a monster. But just know that I love you no matter what."

Eren shook his head and placed his soft, smooth hand on the raven's cheek. His eyes looked different in a way to the raven, the look he was sending him made him feel warm inside. And it wasn't from the sun's rays that were beaming down on them, it was something far more greater. It was the love that he was sending through a single look, those ocean eyes were something that made the raven want to melt into his brat's arms and never let go.

"Levi. I may not have seen the things you've done or how monstrous and blood thirsty you may have been. But I can tell you right now without a doubt in my mind that I would've fallen for you either way. Even if the whole world was against you, you would still see me standing by your side. Maybe it was your laugh, or your eyes, or your smile, it could've been your hair, or your voice, or your personality. Whatever it was, it made me fall pretty damn hard for you. And I don't regret a single thing."

Levi felt tears prick at his eyes and the brunette traced a line of kisses on the bottom of the raven's lips as the two of them moved to lay on the grass. It was just the two of them, laying there in each other's arms.

There he laid looking at me in a way no one had ever looked at me. My hands were shaking as I had explained my knotted past. I will not always be easy to hold onto, for my heart is scattered with thorns. Some nights I will be quiet and he won't know how to pull me from my weeded mind. Some nights I'll forget what he sees in me and lose my balance. Some nights I'll trip over my own feet and apologize for the mess I made. On those nights the one thing that will drag me out of my own labyrinth is that look. No one has ever looked at me quite like that.

A/N: Gosh I loved writing this chapter! And I love Eren and Levi! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Love you all! ❤️

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A/N: Gosh I loved writing this chapter! And I love Eren and Levi! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Love you all! ❤️

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