•.•.^Chapter Two^.•.•

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Eren was resting peacefully in his own room that he was provided with when he agreed to stay in the Castle. So many questions were running through his mind but he didn't have the courage to ask any of them yet. One thing he knew for sure was that he has been feeling weird ever since he was saved by the raven haired vampire.

It's been a week since he started living in the Castle and he's met a couple people as well, mostly Levi's guards or maids. Some of them were nice but others kept their distance and would glare at him from time to time. Levi told him to just ignore the glares, but Eren knew why he received them. I mean he was human, at least he thinks he's still human...but he was in a place where creatures other then humans lived. So I guess it was only natural for them to react this way...

There were so many different creatures in the woods and each species lived in their own part. Levi had told him not to long ago that not all of the creatures got along but there was a law involved saying that they all were to live at peace and no creature was to start a war with another.

Eren let out a sigh and looked out the window of his room, it's been forever since he's seen the sun. It's always dark in the woods, at first he didn't give it much thought but now he misses the feeling of the sun shining down on him. There's a lot of things he misses...but he tries his best not to think about it to much.

There was a knock on his door and the brunette quickly made his way over and opened it revealing a tall man with very rare eyebrows, you wouldn't see on many people. The man had sky blue eyes, blond hair and has recently become one of Eren's favorite vampires in the castle.

"Hello Erwin. What brings you here?"

The blond smiled kindly "I came to deliver a message, Prince Levi would like you to change into these clothes and then make your way to the throne room, Eld will be here to escort you there."

The brunette frowned and his ocean eyes scanned the folded clothes in Erwin's hands. With a sigh and a pout, he grabbed the clothes and looked up at Erwin, he really was quite tall.

"Do you know why Levi wants me to come there?"

"He said he wants you to meet someone."

The brunette's pout turned to a smile, he liked meeting new people that Levi knows, then he can get a better grab on the kind of people Levi hangs out with and what Levi is like around other people.

Eren nodded in response and closed the door. He unfolded the clothes and smiled at Levi's choice, he must've noticed the taste Eren has for casual clothing. He took off his clothes and slid on the navy blue jeans along with the black T-shirt. He decided to just walk barefoot, and opened the door to see that Eld was waiting there. He smirked once he saw that the brunette was barefoot and even chuckled a bit.

"Shall we go now?"

Eren nodded and they both made their way to the throne room.


When the brunette walked in, he was greeted with a loud shriek and immediately hid behind Eld with fearful eyes. Levi was sitting in his throne with his legs crossed, he didn't look to happy to have visitors. A certain brown haired werewolf with glasses decided to pay him a visit and see how the human she helped save was doing.

"JEEZ LEVI YOU NEVER TOLD ME HOW GORGEOUS HIS EYES WERE!!" The brown haired werewolf shouted in excitement and she jumped up in the air with a howl. Levi scoffed and excused himself from his throne making his way towards Eren.

"Sorry Eren, shitty glasses over here is crazy. But She helped me save your life that day and ever since then she's been asking about you like crazy so here we are."

Eren giggled and then nodded as he glanced over at the werewolf "So um...how exactly did you save me?" He asked hesitantly. Hanji glanced at Levi as he shook his head and then looked back at the brunette "That's a conversation for another time..."

A pout formed on Eren's lips and he let out a sigh as he moved away from Eld.

He knew no one was gonna tell him. But he was curious. Plus he's been feeling strange ever since, at random moments of the day he would feel this weird heat coming from the center of his chest. He hasn't told anyone what he's been feeling, if anyone ever asked he would simply reply with "I'm fine." Or "I'm feeling great."

But until he got some answers, he wasn't gonna tell them anything.

Levi looked at the brunette and noticed the troubled look on his face. He doesn't know if he'll ever tell the boy what he's become, he scared on how Eren will react. He just hopes that no one other then his trusted comrades find out about the now rare breed he keeps in his castle.

The only people who do know are Hanji, Eren's bodyguard and Levi's trusted advisor and friend Erwin, Petra, Eld, and Oluo. Those are the only people Levi trusts enough to know what Eren really is.

"Eren, are you hungry?"

The brunette looked over at the raven haired vampire and nodded. Levi smirked and decided to take a break from being in the throne room.

"I'll have Oluo prepare something for you then."

Eren smiled and nodded but then his face turned into a worried and disgusted expression.

"He'll prepare something I can eat. Right?"

Levi chuckled slightly and ruffled the boy's hair.

"Don't worry Eren. Oluo is a great chef."

Relief took over the brunette and he made his way out the throne room with Levi by his side. But they both stopped in their tracks as a group of men walked up to them. But they weren't just ordinary men.

They were something that you would only find in the woods, where creatures live and thrive.

They were,


A/N: Hehe Have I peaked your interest? I hope you're enjoying it! Love you all!

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