•.•.•^Chapter Twenty-Two^•.•.•

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"Ugh...yesterday was such a pain...my legs feel like jelly!"

The brunette was laying on his belly in his bed while Levi sat at his desk, filling out some documents.

"Leviii...why are you always working? I feel like I should be jealous of those papers...you give them more attention then me..."

The raven rolled his eyes as he finished writing the last document for some laws that have been recommended by citizens in the villages. Sighing in relief, the vampire turned to face the dramatic boy.

"Come here Eren."

The brunette pouted and sat up, making his way over to his lover. Levi grabbed his hand and pulled him forward, their lips were only inches apart when the doors to their bedroom burst open and a loud werewolf stomped into the room.


The two lovers sighed at the energetic female that had barged into their room without knocking and slowly moved away from each other.

"A Speech?" The brunette asked, curiosity taking over his tone. The raven rolled his eyes and stood up from his seat to change into some more proper attire, leaving the brunette and werewolf alone.

"Yes. Every year the Prince is supposed to head down to his village to give them a speech on upcoming events or problems the citizens may be facing. That's why you always see your precious Levi filling out documents."

The brunette let out a simple 'Oh' before plopping his butt back on the bed.

Not to long after, Levi entered the room with a nice black suit. "I'll be back soon Eren. Unless you wanna come..."

The young boy sat there in thought, gazing at his lover in the process. He was starting to feel like every time he did go somewhere with Levi, he ended up being a burden to him. Especially after the whole incident at the festival and at the meeting they went to awhile back.

"No it's okay...I'll stay here this time..."

The raven eyed the brunette suspiciously before letting out a sigh, "Ok, I'll be back as soon as I can."

Eren just nodded and with that Hanji and Levi walked out the room, leaving the brunette alone.


"Damn it...I feel like Eren is mad at me..."

The female brunette looked up at the mumbling raven and smirked, "Why would he be mad at you Levi?"

"I...I don't know...we just never really get time alone...I haven't even taken him on a proper date! What the hell is wrong with me? Would if he feels neglected and breaks up with me! And then moves away to an island all alone!"

Hanji laughed, shaking her head at her friend's dramatic imagination.

"Levi you're overreacting. He loves you way to much to end things over something like this. The first light of the month is coming soon. Maybe you guys should go to the vacation home and have some alone time there. Me and Erwin can take care of things here."

The raven nodded in response and sat there in thought It'd be nice to get away from the castle once in awhile...

"Thanks Hanji."

The werewolf smiled and reached out her arms to hug the vampire but he glared at her,

"Don't even think about touching me."


The two of them laughed and they continued their ride to the town square.


"Thanks for coming Eren."

"Anytime Jean. But why are we doing this again?"

The light grey haired boy sighed and continued his climb to the roof of the castle, "I don't know. You just looked bored so I thought 'Hey maybe I should invite Eren to climb the castle with me so we can eat these rare treats I found in the storage room!' So yeah that's why We're doing this."

The brunette giggled and followed his friend up to the top of the hard, cold, stone roof. Once they were seated Jean pulled out the soft, rounded treats with glaze. Eren happily took one and they both took a bite as they swung their legs back and forth over the edge.

"I heard Erwin took some soldiers out to find Marco."

Jean smirked, "Yeah..."

"I'm sure they'll find him."

"Yeah I know. Even if they don't find him. Marco's strong and I know he'll find his way back to me...I think he'll like you.."

The brunette smirked and playfully elbowed Jean in the waist, "Was that a compliment?"

"Tsk, no way in hell."

The two boys laughed and looked up at the cloudy sky. It was chilly and foggy today, that mostly happened the day after rain or a storm.

"Jean. Do you think Levi loves me?"

Jean snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the young boy in shock, "What the hell Eren? Isn't that kind of obvious? He beat up a man 10 feet taller then him for you!"

Eren sighed and looked down at the ground that was far down, if they made one wrong move they would surely plummet to their death.

"Yeah...it's just...I don't know...we haven't really experienced what real couples do. Like dates or feeding each other...the only time we've actually had bonding moments was when He saves me from my stupid choices...and when we..." the brunette blushed and became silent.

"When you what?"


"Look. You guys both obviously love each other a lot. You're boyfriend glared at me just because I was admiring your relationship! I think you two should talk to each other. Be one of those couples who run away together. And then once your satisfied and talked things out, come back with a better mind set and not worry if the other loves you."

Eren smiled and finished the last bite of his glazed donut. "Thanks Jean."

"No problem. But don't get the wrong idea. I just said that so we won't have to act buddy buddy like this ever again."

"Shut up horseface! No one was acting buddy buddy!"

They both glared at each other and then laughed as they looked back up at the cloudy sky above them.

A/N: Sorry for the late update! This was really just a filler chapter! Hope you liked it! ❤️ Love you all!

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