Chapter 31- Now

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My head started spinning like a roller coaster. He was getting his arm removed? Why? I know he had been shot but had it been that serious?
"Are you alright?" Chase asked. He gripped my shoulder.

I put a hand to my forehead. "Um, when did this, arm thing, happen? Why is it getting removed?" I asked.

"I'm not a doctor but I was told that this was decided like this morning. Apparently, the bullet in his arm hit major veins or something, and his arm would've been paralyzed anyway. I guess this is better?" He almost asked. "But I really don't know." I started to like him more...he was just the messenger. Almost. And you don't kill the messenger.

"Well, can I please, please see him?" I begged Chase.

He looked around. "Well, I'm not supposed to." He looked around again. "But you can, just for a minute though. And don't touch him. You know, germs before surgery and stuff." I thanked him and he slowly turned the door handle and lead me into the sterile room. I saw Liam and heard the door close behind me, Chase going back outside, making it look like no one was inside. I crept over to Liam, lying silently on the bed. He wasn't under all the medication yet, but you could tell he was exhausted. My eyes darted down to his right arm, the one he was getting removed. It didn't move, just twitched a little. The sparkly, pink nail polish still sat on his finger nails. I cracked a smile. The next thing I knew, my hand was caressing his dirty blonde hair, hoping I didn't have to leave him again. Liam started to wake up a little so I moved my hand away from his hair. He rubbed his eyes, and tried to sit up, but failed.

"Wait, what's happening?" He asked groggily. I lightly pushed his chest back, making him lean back into the bed.

"They didn't tell you?" I replied, confused. "You're, you're getting your arm removed." I stated. His eyes widened and he tried to sit up again. "It's okay," I said over and over again. Liam still looked utterly shocked and confused, but I can't blame him. He's getting his arm removed.

About 30 minutes later, I was ushered out of the room by Chase and a team of doctors took my place. I stood by the door with Chase until Liam had to leave. When he did, I paced around in the waiting room, stopped by to talk to Anna, and grabbed some Taco Bell. Hours and hours dragged on, waiting for the surgery to end. I asked Anna when it would be done, and she said in a few more hours. I groaned and prayed that Liam would be okay.
8 hours from the beginning of the surgery, Liam was finished. I wasn't allowed in his room, which I was bummed about, but I understood. The head doctor told me I wouldn't be able to see him for another day. He said that I should go home, but I didn't want to leave Liam, so I stayed in the waiting room for the whole day. I was bored out of my mind and started to believe I was sick as well. The lights blinded me, the smell was awful, and the people made me want to turn around and run.

After the doctor let me in Liam's room, I just sat with him. He was still out of it so he was basically just sleeping the whole time. But I didn't care. All I cared about was that he was safe and okay. Well, at least as good and okay as he could be right now.

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