Chapter 34- Home Lands and Chinese

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By the time Liam and I reached my house, both my parents were at work.

"Ready to see my home land?" I asked Liam. He shook his head.

"I've already seen your home land Mandy," he answered. Oh yeah, I thought. I smiled.

"Then let's go," I unlocked the door, and by this time it was probably around 3:45 in the afternoon. We stopped by Liam's place to grab his stuff on the way home, so I was carrying a duffel bag and a smallish suitcase. We stepped inside and I set his stuff down in the guest room which happened to by the one next to my bedroom. Our house was only one story, so it was pretty small, but we could all fit nicely.

"Are you hungry?" I questioned, hungry myself. Liam shrugged and I took that as a yes. I heated up two Hot Pockets and we sat down at the kitchen table.

"Hey, when's your birthday?" Liam asked randomly.

"April 12."

"Like what year? How old are you?" He continued.

"Almost 17." I responded. "In a few months." It was only January. "What about you?"

"Almost 17 as well." He said. "January 28."

"Ooh that's soon!" I exclaimed. Liam took a bite of his Hot Pocket and nodded.

"Yup." I wonder what I should get him.
When my parents got home, I introduced them to Liam and we ordered Chinese. I told everyone I'd go out and pick it up and Liam said he'd go with me. I hopped into the car after helping Liam open the door.

"When are we supposed to go back to school?" Liam asked after we got in the car. I really didn't know.

"I have no idea. Like are they excusing us?" I questioned. "Well they're probably not excusing me but my grades already suck so,"

Liam laughed at my attempt at a joke. I laughed along with him. "Yeah, we probably missed a ton though."

We both laughed again. "Oh well," we said in unison. The Chinese place was close, we were already there. I jumped out of the car, leaving Liam inside. I could see him turn up the radio and start singing along. I laughed to myself.
I picked up the food and walked back to the car. Liam had locked all the doors.

I leaned on the drivers door. "Noooo," I shouted dramatically. "Please, no, you can't do this to meeee," Liam smiled and went back to listening to music. "Fine. I have all the Chinese out here though." I stated. He opened the door. "I knew you'd open up for Chinese."

"Ha. Ha. Ha." Liam said. After climbing into the car, I made Liam hold the bag. "Ugh, Mandy, it's hot..." He complained.

"Be quiet."

"I can't...I'm injured, remember?" He added.

"Oh my, I am so sorry my king, please, let me take this off your hands for you," I played along, grabbing the bag off his lap. "Let's go, your highness. We're home." With that, I opened the passenger door, let Liam out, and walked up to the front door as well.
All of us-my family and Liam-ate every last bit of the Chinese food last night. We talked about colleges (which I hated) since we were juniors, watched tv together, and went to bed at 12:30. Liam decided to wait until tomorrow to take his bandage off and since he was pretty sore still, he took some Advil. I brought Liam to his room and I had to help him change. He only changed his shirt though, because I mean, we weren't that close. I fell asleep in my bed at around 1:00 in the morning, but I suddenly woke at 4:20, to screaming. I jumped out of bed, only to find that Liam was having a nightmare.

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