Chapter Three || Locked-room mystery

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"Charlotte," Ed called for the sleeping blonde

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"Charlotte," Ed called for the sleeping blonde. "Charlotte, wake up".

She opened her eyes slightly, the light of day hurting her eyes. "Wha- What happened?" She asked sleepily and saw Ed pointing at the end of the makeshift bed they shared, where there was a suitcase. It was closed and Ed appeared to be afraid of it. "Where did that came from?"

Ed shrugged just as confused as she was. "I already checked for a thicking, but I can't hear anything".

Charlotte sat up and eyed the suitcase. Just because Ed couldn't hear a ticking didn't mean it wasn't a bomb. It could be a grenade that would go off once the suitcase was opened. However, there was no way to find out unless they did open it.

"Let's just open it," Charlotte spoke.

Together they approached their hands to the suitcase hesitantly and clicked it open. After they pulled the top up, Ed stepped back. But the suitcase was empty. No bomb, no grenade, no nothing.

"Well, it's not a bomb," Ed chuckled in relief.

"Yes, but why is it here?" Charlotte asked still confused.

It downed down on them that whatever had been happening to Ed, happened again and he had been the one to bring the suitcase to the library. Once Ed realized that he quickly grabbed his voice recorder and approached it to his lips.

"Apparently, I've been on a trip, or I'm going on one," he spoke with concern and annoyance evident on his tone. He gestured with his free hand as he spoke and realized he had something written on it. "I've also left myself a message".

Charlotte stood up from their bed and took his hand in hers. She saw the green writing on it, but half of a word had faded already. 'In a-t number 1215 knows.'

Ed looked at her confused and immediately tried to come up with words that could fit the fading one. "Innate? Ingrate? Inflate? Inmate?" He thought he had found the right answer to the conundrum and grew all excited. "Inmate number 1215 knows. Inmate number 1215 knows!" But then he grew frustrated with the new question that emerged from that massage. "Knows what?"

Charlotte also didn't know the answer to that question and was more than worried about Ed. She imagined 'Inmate number 1215' could be referring to one of Blackgate's prisoners.

"Okay. Okay, think. Prison records," Ed said reaching the same conclusion as Charlotte had. "Where do I get prison records?"

"The GCPD," Charlotte and Ed both answered with a groan.

"Right," Ed closed the suitcase and walked outside with Charlotte by his side already wide awake. She wanted nothing more than to figure out what was happening to Ed. Perhaps inmate 1215 held the answers they were looking for.

When the two got outside, they noticed the black smoke that arose in the distance. It seemed to be coming from within the green zone, but the two didn't care much about what had happened. Their only goal was to go to the GCPD and get the records of inmate 1215. Hopefully, nobody had blown up the precinct. It would be horrible timing...

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