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"Ugh," my best friend, Abby, groaned as she rolled over on my bed, "it's not fair. You get to marry a handsome guy while I'm stuck with Martin."

"I thought you loved Martin," I chuckled as I tied my shoelaces.

"I do but he's no Christopher Bang," she sighed sadly before getting up and grabbing my hand, "we should get going, the mall is almost closing."


"You look so cute!" Abby squealed as she examined the outfit I had tried on, "I don't understand how you aren't a model yet."

"I guess it's not my thing," I laughed as I began changing back into my regular clothes.

"Do you think you'll be okay marrying Chris?" Abby questioned as she played with her fingers nervously.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"It's just that, you haven't fully recovered over Edward and the last thing I want to see is you being heartbroken again," she sighed sadly, taking in my new expression.

"Can we just put that in the past?" I asked her quietly, "I'd rather not remember that."

"Of course," she smiled as she stood up and grabbed my arm, "this will now be a boy free zone."

I let out a small giggle as we exited the store after buying my outfit. Today could only get better.


"What do you mean you don't know where we are?" I groaned as I looked around our surroundings.

"I swear we were going the right way!" she assured me, tapping on her phone as she tried to find where we were.

"Well it'll be getting dark soon so we should just try finding a shop that's open," I replied, looking around only to realize that everything was closed.

"Maybe if we just start walking we'll find a familiar place," Abby suggested but I quickly shook my head.

"That's not a good idea," I groaned, pulling my phone out before groaning again, my phone was dead.

"Why not?"

"Because Abby, we come from wealthy families," I replied, noticing the setting sun, "if anyone recognizes us, they might try something."

"Oh," was all she said as she let out a groan, "crap, my phone just died."

"Are you serious?" she nodded as she held her phone up, it was indeed dead, "great."

"Looks like our only option is walking around to see if we find any place open," Abby sighed, taking my arm into hers as she began to lead the way.


We had been walking for a couple of hours when we realized we were even more lost now than when we began.

"I'm pretty sure we've passed this same stop sign three times already," Abby grumbled as we stopped to take a break.

"It's a stop sign Abby, all stop signs look the same so I'm sure we haven't."

"But it has the same sticker," she pointed out as she sat on the curb, resting her head in her hands.

It had to be midnight by now and I was getting more worried about the surrounding streets. I sat next to Abby and rested my head against her shoulder as I tried calming down, everything was fine, soon enough we'd make it home.

"Whew, well aren't you girls pretty," a distant voice called out. My breath hitched as I noticed a group of guys walking in our direction, "too pretty to be all alone this late."

"Abby, we need to go, now!"

We took off running as the voices shouted for us to stop, which caused us to run faster. The footsteps were getting closer and if we didn't lose them, they'd surely catch up to us.

In the quick second I turned my head to look for the guys, I came crashing into a rock-hard body. I landed on my butt with a yelp as I tried slowing my rapid beating heart.



"What are you doing here?" he questioned as he looked at Abby and then back at me, "it's dangerous for you to be in this part of town this late."

"We got lost," Abby spoke as she tried regaining her breath, "we tried looking for a place that was open but we found none, and soon enough we got even more lost. And then some guys started chasing after us."

"What guys?" a guy who was with Chris asked as he looked at Abby.

"We don't know, they just started calling out to us and they started approaching us so we took off running," I replied as I ran my hands through my hair, I couldn't help but feel on edge.

"Both of you get in the car," Chris stated as he unlocked his car for us. We nodded and got in, waiting for them to get in but Chris only locked the doors, "no matter what, do not exit the car."

I looked at him, feeling confused, before realizing what was happening.

"Chris, no."

Chris just turned away from me as the group of guys who were following us approached them.

"Hi fellas, happen to see two girls running around?" one guy asked, taking a swig from the bottle in his hands. Surely it was alcohol.

"We did," Chris replied, crossing his arms as he looked at the men, "according to them, you guys were bugging them."

"What is he doing?" Abby whispered as she watched from beside me.

"I have no idea," I whispered back.

"C'mon man, they're lying," the guy scoffed as he stepped closer to Chris, "one of the girls is my girlfriend and she's just exaggerating. We got into a small argument, that's all so now tell me where they went."

"No can do, buddy," Chris's friend spoke as he sent Chris a knowing look.

"If you don't tell us where they are then it looks like we'll have a problem," the guy threatened.

"Well then it looks like we'll be having problems," Chris replied, a smirk on his face.

The next thing that happened caused both Abby and I to let out a small cry. The guy had stepped forward and swung at Chris, barely missing him. Chris chuckled before lunging forward and soon enough, a fight had broken out. Two against five.


So I have nothing to do and that lead me to deciding on posting chapter two. The story is just beginning and I'm so nervous for the upcoming chapters lol. Well, hopefully you guys like it :)

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