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Authors note: TW

this chapter goes a bit more into detail about her ex and that involves mentions of abuse so if you're not comfortable with that then please go ahead and skip this chapter or look for TW warning I'll put up!


My head hurt. That's all I knew when I woke up. Groaning I was able to get out of bed and head to my shower. Why was I stupid enough to drink?

Thankfully the hot water helped relieve my headache and soon enough, I was ready to start my day. For some reason, I decided to put some effort into my outfit today so I grabbed my new clothes and slipped them on.

I wore a simple white top paired with my red plaid pants and black high-top converse. As I looked at my outfit I couldn't help but feel like something was missing, I needed to add something special. I looked around my closet before spotting the jacket I hadn't worn since Edward and I broke up.

I decided to not let the bad memories get to me as I put my leather jacket on. It was time to make good memories happen with this. Today would be a good day.



I had bad luck. Or well, the jacket was bad luck.

I was on my way my home when my car decided to stop working and of course it would happen on the emptiest road. If that wasn't bad enough, reception out here sucked.

I groaned as my call failed for the tenth time, I was screwed. After about fifteen minutes, the first car finally approached and to my luck, they had pulled over.

I was over the moon as I realized someone would be able to help me but once I saw the driver, my blood ran cold.

It was Edward.

"Having car troubles?" he asked with a smirk, walking closer to me.

"Yeah but I have help on the way, they should be here any minute," I lied, hoping that it would send him away. Of course, the world hated me because he didn't budge.

"Clearly no one's coming, why don't I give you a lift," he spoke, he was now five steps away from me.

"No need, like I said, I have someone coming," I stated more harshly.

He let out a laugh before walking back towards his car, "you either get in willingly or I'll drag you in."

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I held my ground, "I'm not going anywhere with you!"

Edward let out a chuckle as he walked over, "it's like you like making me mad."


I stumbled back as I held my cheek in disbelief.

"I can't believe you just did that," I felt the tears brimming me eyes but I forced them away. I would not cry in front of him.

"It's your own fault," he shrugged, "you know to not get me mad."

I only shook my head and got further from him, hoping someone would pass by and save me.

Just as Edward was reaching for me, extending his hand to hit me again, a black Porsche pulled up.

Four guys exited the car and ran towards Edward, grabbing him and pining him against the car.

"Who the hell do you think you are!" a voice that I recognized shouted, "why the hell were you trying to hit my girlfriend!"

I felt two arms wrap around me and noticed Felix was now at my side.

"Hey, it's okay now, we're here," he smiled, trying to get my attention away from the argument happening right this second.

"Well if it isn't Christopher Bang," Edward chuckled as he pushed Chris away, "I've been looking forward to meeting you."

Chris narrowed his eyes at him as he shoved Edward against the car, "I don't know who the fuck you are but I will not let you put your hands on Bethany or any girl."

Edward just chuckled as he stared at Chris, "well I hate to break it to you buddy but this hasn't been the first time."

Chris's eyes grew dark at his comment, "you gave her that bruise, didn't you?"

"She didn't tell you?" Edward clicked his tongue, "oh Bethany, you're in trouble," Edward laughed as he made eye contact with me.

"I didn't say you could speak to her," Chris told him as he glared at him.

"And I didn't ask for your permission," Edward shot back, "besides, Bethany likes when I get rough with her."

It was in that moment when Chris could no longer hold back, Edward was going to pay.



"Why didn't you tell me?" Chris asked as I currently dabbed some alcohol on the cut on his cheek.

"I don't know," I sighed, not wanting to make eye contact, "I guess I was scared to."

The room fell silent as I felt Chris grab my hand, "you know you can tell me anything, right? If you ever need to rant, I'm here. If you want to cry, come to me. I'll be here for you if you ever need anything," he smiled while interlocking our hands, "besides, we'll be getting married soon so you'll be stuck with me for life."

I couldn't help but smile as we made eye contact, "you said I can tell you anything, right?" I questioned, watching as Chris nodded his head, "well, when you were fighting with Edward, I couldn't help but feel like you came into my life for a reason. Plus, you looked totally badass kicking his ass!"

Chris let out a laugh with a smug smile on his face, "I did, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did," I laughed, not noticing how close we were until we were face to face.

Both of our cheeks burned red as we stared at one another, neither wanting to look away. Time stood still as we leaned in slowly, not wanting to rush this moment. This was it, I'd finally have my first kiss with Chris.

"Hey guys, do you have another bottle of rubbing alcohol? Sam spilled the one we had," Felix spoke as he entered the room before his eyes went wide, "oh, sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt," he smiled sheepishly, "just forget I ever came into the room."

I chuckled nervously as we pulled away from each other, clearly the moment had been ruined.

"I should probably get going," I mumbled, walking towards the front door.

"Do you need me to drive you home?" he asked, grabbing his keys off the counter.

"No, it's okay," I smiled, "I already messaged Carl so he's on his way."

"Oh, okay," he nodded, standing awkwardly at the door.

"You can head inside, I won't be out here for too long."

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" he laughed, crossing his arms as he stepped closer to me.

"Is it that noticeable?" I joked, turning around as Carl pulled into the driveway, "goodnight Chris."

"Goodnight princess," he smiled while pulling me into a hug, "make sure to get some rest."


I wish Chris would call me princess :( Also, I just realized how short the chapter are and it makes me sad...

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