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I want to add a quick TW here for a slight mention of domestic abuse. So if that's something that upsets you, please be cautious when reading!


All week I couldn't get over what Chris had confessed to me. How he was scared that I'd regret marrying him. How crazy was that?

"Earth to Bethany," Natalie, my older sister, called as she sat across from me.

"I'm sorry, what?"

She chuckled as she watched me, "I asked if you like the burgundy color or the pale blue."

"For what?" I questioned as she held two pieces of fabric.

"For the wedding colors and the bridesmaid dresses," she replied, looking at the two fabrics closely.

"Oh um, Chris and I decided on both colors. The dresses will be the pale blue color with white and burgundy flowers and the same goes for the decorations."

"That's a good choice," she smiled brightly before clapping her hands, "I'm so excited for this! But as your older sister, it's my responsibility to ask you this. Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

I smiled at her and nodded my head, "I'm sure of it."

"Good," she smiled before her phone started ringing, "I've got to answer this so excuse me for a bit."

I watched as she walked away, answering the call as she greeted her husband who was on the other side of the call.

Natalie had just flown in this week to help out with wedding preparations and to make sure everything was going according to plan. If there was one thing she was really good at, it would definitely be taking charge.


I walked around the town as I shopped for some warm clothes since winter was soon approaching when I spotted him. My blood ran cold as he stared at me from across the street, and I knew I had to get out of there.

I walked quickly as I tried getting away, knowing that if he reached me, nothing good would happen. But of course, luck was never on my side because within seconds, there was a tight grip on my arm.

"Not running away from me, are you?" Edward smiled at me but I knew that smile was fake, almost taunting.

"N-no, I have no reason to do that," I grimaced as I heard myself stutter, this caused him to smile. Of course this would cause him pleasure.

"Oh, my sweet Bethany, you've never been a good liar," he chuckled as he stared at me while I tried looking anywhere but him, "lets get some drinks shall we."

"I can't, I have somewhere to be," I told him, noticing the way his eyes went dark.

"I'm sure Christopher could wait," he smiled, smiling wider as he took in my shocked expression, "besides, it's cute how you thought I was asking you."

And with that, he grabbed my arm tighter before pulling me along with him. All I wanted to do was get far away from him, but I knew that was impossible. I just had to endure these next few hours.


"Oh, hi Mrs. Anderson," Chris greeted Bethany's mother as she let him inside.

"Hi Christopher, what a surprise seeing you here," she smiled, embracing him in a tight hug, "I suppose you're here to see Bethany?"

"Yes, I am," he smiled.

"Right, well she's in her room but just be cautious. She went shopping earlier and when she got back, she was very distant and quiet."


I stared at my reflection and couldn't help but feel pathetic. How could I let this happen? I promised myself to never let it happen again. But here I was, studying my reflection and the bruise on my arm.

There was a knock on my door and I was barely able to pull on a sweater before Chris entered my room.

"Whoa, why is it so dark?" he questioned, turning the lights on brighter, exposing the horrible state I was in, "hey, what's wrong?"

What wasn't?

"Nothing," I smiled weakly, taking a seat on my bed, "I just think I'm getting a bit sick."

Chris nodded before walking closer to me, placing the back of his hand against my forehead, "well you don't feel hot so that's good."

I only nodded which caused him to frown.

"You know what I heard helps?" he smiled before throwing his arms up, "hugs."

He pulled me towards him and held me in a tight embrace. I couldn't help but grimace and whimper as he put pressure on my bruise.

"Sorry, was that too hard?" he questioned, studying my face intently.

"No, I just wasn't expecting that," I chuckled awkwardly, scooting a bit away from him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked worriedly, placing his hand on my arm.

I winced again and soon enough Chris looked more worried.

"Take off your sweater," he demanded.

"What? No."

"Fine, then I'll take it off."

He began taking my sweater off while I tried protesting but it was no use, he had succeeded and was now staring at my bruise.

"Jesus Christ Bethany, how did you get this bruise?"

I knew I shouldn't have lied to him but I had no option, I couldn't risk putting him in harms way.

"I bumped into a metal post while shopping, the ones they have up to display the clothes," I answered nervously, forcing a small chuckle, "I didn't expect it to get this big and hurt this much."

"Are you sure?" I could tell he didn't believe me but I also knew he didn't want to pry too much. He trusted me to tell him the truth.

"I'm positive," I smiled before walking over to my closet, "listen, I feel really tired so I should get some rest."

"Oh, right," he got up and headed towards my door, "call you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, that sounds great."

He smiled before exiting the room and leaving me alone. Once I was sure he was gone, I broke down. Why did this have to happen to me? Why did I have to lie to Chris? Why couldn't I stand up for myself?


So this chapter is a bit more on the serious side? kinda. But I hope you like it anyways lol

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