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"What about this one?"

"Too fruity."

"This one?"

"Too strong."

"This one?"

"Too plain."

"I give up," Abby muttered as she put back the perfume, "you have to be the hardest person to please."

"That's not true," I laughed, smelling a perfume before handing it over to her, "I like this one."

Abby glared at me before handing the perfume to the worker, "we'll take this one."

The lady nodded before walking off to wrap it, coming back a couple of minutes later to hand us our bag. Abby and I thanked her before heading off towards the other shops.

"Do you think Martin would like this?" Abby questioned as she held up a yellow and green striped shirt.

"That's definitely his style," I replied before looking around for something that Chris might like.

After searching for a couple of more minutes, I found the perfect item.


We were all gathered around Chris's living room as we waited for him to arrive. If I was being honest, time was passing by very slowly.

"Are they almost here?"

"Bethany, that's the fifth time you've asked in ten minutes," Sam sighed as he leaned against the front of the couch.

"Sorry! I'm just really excited to see him."

"They just pulled in!" Felix informed us as he ran back towards us and turned off the lights.

"I'm nervous," I whispered, quickly receiving a bunch of 'shhs' in return. Rude.

A tired looking Chris walked into the room and turned the lights on, his eyes going wide as he noticed us.

"Welcome back!" we all shouted.

A smile broke onto his face as he stared at us and he let out a small laugh, "you guys did all of this for me?"

"Of course we did," Felix smiled as he threw his arm around Chris shoulder, "but you've got Bethany to thank, she planned everything."

Chris looked over at me, a smile on both of our faces, as I walked towards him, "you're finally back."

"That I am," he smiled before pulling me into a hug, "I missed you princess."

"I missed you too," I smiled before pulling away and handing him a bag, "open it."

He looked at me in confusion as he grabbed the bag, "what is it?"

"It's just a little gift," I shrugged, smiling as I watched him pull out the present.

He let out a laugh as he held the rubber ducky plushy in his hands, looking at me in amusement, "what's this for?"

"Just in case we're ever apart from each other," I shrugged.

Everyone looked confused as we both smiled at the rubber ducky plushy.

"Why is that a big deal?" Abby whispered to Felix.

He shrugged, "I have no idea."


"Why are we here?" I questioned Chris as I looked around the empty museum.

"Because I know you love museums so I decided it'd be a good idea to bring you," he smiled.

"But at night? When it's closed?"

"I know the owner," he shrugged, "I thought you'd like it better if it was quiet."

I couldn't help but smile at him as I walked around the room, taking in all the paintings around me. It wasn't until twenty minutes later that I realized Chris was nowhere to be seen.

"Chris?" I called out but was greeted with pure silence, "Chris?"

I started walking around, hoping he wouldn't be far away when I heard some music playing in the background.

( Listen to: two is better than one – boys like girls ft. Taylor swift. while reading this part!!!!)

I walked towards the music and found myself facing Chris, who was currently smiling at me.

"Why'd you leave?" I questioned, reaching his side in no time.

"Because I needed to prepare."

"Prepare? For what?" I asked confusedly, what was he talking about.

It wasn't until he got down on one knee that I realized what was happening. Holy shit!

"Bethany Anderson. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. A girl who slowly, over time, won my heart over. If you asked me a year ago what I'd be doing in life right now, my answer definitely wouldn't even be close to anything about marriage. When my dad first talked to me about an arranged marriage I turned him down right away, I felt like marrying someone shouldn't be chosen by other people. It should be between two people only. But then he mentioned your name," Chris smiled as he looked at me, "it made me remember the shy and quiet girl from high school who always avoided me. I couldn't help but be shocked that it was you who he wanted me to marry. I remember thinking that'd you want nothing to do with me but boy was I wrong. I always pictured you being the one who would fall in love first but as I sit here, or well kneel, I've realized that it's the opposite because I'm the one who fell in love first. I, Christopher Bang, am in love with you Bethany Anderson. And on this day, October twenty-fifth, am getting down on one knee to ask a very important question. Will you marry me?"

I looked down at Chris, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks as he smiled up at me, "of course I will."

"Good," he laughed, "because you have no choice."

I watched in amazement as he pulled out a blue velvet box and opened it, a bright heart shaped ring in the center.

"It's beautiful," I smiled.

"I'm glad you think so because I spent three days searching for the perfect ring."

"So, you didn't go on a business trip?" I questioned, watching as he slipped the ring onto my finger.

"Nope, I had more important things to do," he smiled at me before pulling me towards him.

"I guess it's official now," I smiled, watching the light illuminate my ring.

"Definitely official," he laughed before leaning down and kissing me.

I was officially engaged to Christopher Bang.


low-key cried while writing this chapter lol

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