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This was a disaster. Everything was a disaster.

"Can everyone please calm down? All I want is one good picture, that's all I'm asking for. So please put on your cutest faces for the picture."

"That might be a bit hard for Emma," Amelia grumbled as Emma glared at her.

"Amelia, apologize to your sister," Chris warned his youngest daughter who just pouted in return.

"I'm sorry," she sighed.

"Apology not accepted," Emma shot back as she fixed her hairband.

"Great. Noah's sitting in the center holding baby Aiden and Olivia will be on the left side of Noah. Amelia, you'll be on the right side of your brother and Emma, you'll be behind him with your arms around his shoulders. Now everyone, get closer together, look happy, and one, two, three."

The camera let out a clicking sound as the flash went of causing all the kids to groan.

"Finally," I sighed as I smiled at the nice picture we had finally gotten after three hours of trying.

"All of this could've been so simple if we stuck with only two kids but no, you wanted five," Chris chuckled as he looked at the picture.

"Are you saying you regret it?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow as I placed my hands on my hips.

"Of course not," he laughed, pulling me towards him, "I wouldn't trade any of this for the world."

I smiled brightly as I snuggled into him, "I love you."

"I love you too princess."

Nothing in this moment could ruin the happiness we felt.

"Eww, Aiden just threw up."

Well, almost nothing.

"Not it," I called out as I walked away from Chris, laughing at his shocked expression.

"That's not fair," he called out but none the less, grabbed Aiden and cleaned him up, "there you go, all better."

I watched as Aiden smiled up at Chris, making his dimples appear. Of course, only Noah and Aiden would share the same dimples as their dad. Although, according to Chris, it was a 'boys thing'. Whatever that meant.

"Time for a movie night!"

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