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"You look beautiful," my sister gasped as Noemi finished doing my makeup.

"I have to say, I've done many make up looks but this has to be my favorite so far," Noemi smiled as she looked at me.

"It's like you look like yourself but not yourself at the same time. Does that make sense?" Abby questioned as she tilted her head.

"That made no sense," Noemi laughed before pulling out her camera, "time to take pictures."

I groaned but stood up, walking towards Noemi's professional lighting.

"Chris is so going to die when he sees you on your wedding day," Natalie told me, sending me a slight smirk.

"More like he won't be able to keep his hands to himself," Abby added, laughing as she watched my embarrassed expression.

"Shut up," I mumbled, hiding my face behind my hands.

I was now starting to regret my choices of choosing Abby as my best friend.


"I'm glad I get to finally spend some time with my daughter-in-law," Chris's mom smiled as she wrapped her arm around mines while we walked around the fancy hotel reception, "I swear the last time I saw you was when we went dress shopping."

"It really has been too long," I agreed as we walked towards the dessert table. Chris's family had asked me to join them at a very important business event tonight so that I'd learn some of their family ropes and finally be introduced to some of their clients.

"You know, I always feared that Chris would end up marrying some random girl that'd only want him for his money, like in all those dramas I watch. When my husband told me about the talk he had with your father, I became ecstatic. Of course, when I pictured you though, I remembered the fifteen-year-old Bethany who would become so awkward and embarrassed in front of Chris," she joked, laughing as I blushed in embarrassment, "don't worry darling, Chris was just as love sick as you. You should've seen him, even at the slight mention of your name he'd become as bright as a tomato. He thought I never noticed but I'm his mother and mothers notice everything."

I couldn't help but laugh as my thoughts wondered to fifteen-year-old Bethany and sixteen-year-old Chris. How I could barely contain my nervousness around him while he chatted about everything, constantly joking about my crush on him.

I used to be embarrassed but now that I found out this new information, it was time for payback.

"Ah, there they are," Chris's father spoke as he walked towards us, Chris and two other men behind them, "just the women we were looking for."

Chris's father took his place next to his wife while Chris stood next to me, a small smile on his face as we made eye contact.

"It's so nice to see you again, Mrs. Rosa," the older man greeted Chris's mother as he embraced her in a hug.

"It's so nice to see you again Richard," Chris's mother greeted before turning to the younger guy, "and Carter, you just keep growing and growing! Pretty soon you'll be taller than my Christopher here."

"I would hope so," the guy, Carter, smiled as he sent Chris a teasing look. Chris only rolled his eyes in amusement before all attention was turned to me.

"And you must be Bethany?" the older man asked as he pulled me into his embrace.

"It's so nice to meet you," I replied, knowing very well that I had no clue who he was.

"Christopher here definitely knows how to pick them," the man joked, causing me to let out an awkward chuckle, "well done Christopher, make sure you keep her close so that no one has the chance to snatch her away."

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