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"So, you'll be taking my sweet little Emma to the dance?" Chris asked as he watched the boy in front of him carefully.

"Y-yes sir," the boy stuttered as he stared at the four men in front of him.

Felix, Sam, Martin, and Chris studied the boy in front of them.

"You said your name's Tony, right?" Felix asked, lowering his voice to sound more intimidating.

"Yes, that's correct," Tony nodded furiously.

"Interesting," Martin hummed.

"And why are you interested in our sweet little Emma? Do you have feelings for her?"

"What? No! She's simply my best friend," Tony tried reasoning but this caused Chris to shake his head.

"Are you trying to say Emma isn't good enough for you?"

"I think that's exactly what he's saying," Felix added, watching as Tony turned a pale white color.

"That's not what I meant! I love Emma, not like that, but she deserves someone way better than me," Tony gulped as he held the flowers in his hands tighter.

"What do you guys think you're doing?" Bethany questioned as she entered the room, all men instantly standing up.

"We were just simply getting to know him," Felix chuckled as he nudged Tony, "isn't that right?"


Bethany rolled her eyes before pulling Tony towards her, "leave the poor boy alone. If Emma finds out that you guys interrogated him there'll be hell to pay."

"They did what?" Emma questioned as she walked down the stairs.

"Oh, you're so screwed," Bethany whispered to the guys as she watched from the sidelines.

"It's not what it looks like. We just wanted to make sure you'd be safe and with someone we can trust," Felix told her, going to ruffle her hair but deciding against it.

"He's my best friend! You have no reason to interrogate him," she sighed, "if you keep doing that with every guy I ever meet, I won't have any friends left."

All the men faced the floor, not wanting to look at her, "you know, I expected this from you three but not from you dad. You really let me down."

Chris chuckled as he walked over to Emma, "sorry princess but as your dad, I have to make sure you're in good hands. You were my first baby and I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon."

"I get that dad but you need to trust me, okay? I'm fifteen now, I can tell right from wrong."

"I do trust you," Chris smiled as he looked lovingly at his daughter, "we all do. Which is why this makes everything harder, pretty soon, you won't need your mother and I anymore."

"Oh c'mon," Emma laughed as she looked at her parents' wipe tears from their eyes, "no matter how old I get, I'm always going to need you guys," she smiled, looking over at her uncles, "all of you."

"Okay, enough crying, Emma has a party to attend to," Amelia called from the top of the stairs, an amused smile on her face, while Olivia stood beside her, a small smile on her face.

"Right, we've got to get going," Emma called as she pulled Tony with her, only to be stopped as a small hand wrapped around Tony's arm.

"You better protect my sister," Noah told Tony, a scowl on his face, "if you don't, there'll be consequences."

"Yeah," Aiden pipped in as he stood behind Noah, arms crossed.

"Okay, that's enough," Bethany interrupted, taking Aiden in her arms, "they're going to be late."

"Let's get out of here," Emma told Tony, a smile on both of their faces.

"Call us when you're ready to get picked up!" Felix shouted but was cut off with the front door slamming, a muffled 'bye' being the last thing heard.

"Ahh, they grow up so fast," Sam sighed as he took a seat on the couch.

"Which reminds me," Bethany pipped in, "when are you finally settling down?"

"Not sure," Sam shrugged.

"Well you should find someone soon, there's not many girls left," Felix told him, a small smile on his face.

"Says the expert," Martin chuckled as he threw a pillow at Felix, "tell us, when can we be expecting some nieces and nephews?"

Felix smiled widely as he shrugged, "sometime around November."

"Wait, shut up," Bethany gasped, "you're lying!"

"Nope," Felix laughed, "Zoey's pregnant."


And the book is complete. excuse me while I cry. To whoever reads this book, I hope you liked it and enjoyed the wild journey. 

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