Chapter 11

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Saturdays were always Yeonjun's favourite. He took a day off on this day. Normally at work places Sundays were given off but everyone deserves two day holiday. Hence, GLOW gave off for two days.

It was about 9 in the morning when I woke up. Walking down the stairs into the kitchen I did not expect Taehyun already awake and setting the table. It was at that time that I felt 'hunnie' waking up again. Now you may ask what or who is hunnie. Well hunnie is the name of feeling and that voice that I get every time Taehyun does something. Like literally he can even breathe but still hunnie will wake up gnawing at my stomach and mind. The real name of the feeling however remained unknown to me.

'Did I wake you? Was I too loud?' Taehyun questioned me as he placed the last plate on the table.

'No, I usually wake early even on holidays. It's not your fault.'

'How about you sit down? I made breakfast for us.'

'Thank you.' was all I could say to him. I think for the first time my house felt like a home. Normally I would wait for my housekeeper to come and to cook my whole week's meals at one time which were usually uneaten as I rarely came home.

It was delicious. The meal was just like I would like it. Rest of the day was spent by the two trying to get comfortable each other.

Yeonjun learned a lot about Taehyun that day. Taehyun's favourite colours were blue and black, he had good relations with his family, and he was a good student and wanted to be model since his childhood.

I told him about me too, it was first time I told someone so openly about me after knowing them for such short amount. I was hesitant about my family but really happy that Taehyun did not pry after it.

We sat there listening to each other, talking to each other and maybe it was also the first time that I spent my Saturday laughing with someone.

That night while I laid on my bed I thought about the whole day. Me and Taehyun had just talked but I was happy that someone heard what I had to say especially because it was not work related.

Taehyun was like an open book, he had answers to my every question but still I felt like something was off. Taehyun answered but he also hesitated but who am I to say? I also hesitated. But conversations are always the first step to something beautiful aren't they? 

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