Chapter 14

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Yeonjun was confused to say the truth. Taehyun was acting weird from the start of the day. They both were at home and Yeonjun was happy as he finally was able to spend some time his new friend but Taehyun was just acting off.

He was acting jittery from the moment Yeonjun walked out of his room. 

'Are you okay? Taehyun...Taehyun are you listening to me?' Yeonjun said loudly as he held Taehyun by his shoulders as the latter stood in front of an opened fridge.

'Yeah, was just thinking' Taehyun replied as he took out a carton of juice from the fridge.'About what?'

'About home.'Taehyun said without thinking however the statement was not a lie as he had not visited his home after shifting here. Maybe today was finally the day he would do so, to get away from Yeonjun ad the bet.

'Then why don't you visit your house?' Yeonjun said as he took the chair next to Taehyun.

'I was thinking about visiting I think I will go now after changing my clothes. See you later.' Taehyun nodded towards Yeonjun as he placed the carton on the table and headed upstairs.


'Kai you don't understand. I feel guilty.I feel like I am playing with him just because someone provoked me."Taehyun whined as he sat with kai at his cafe.

Taehyun answer me honestly. Do you like yeonjun?

"I don't know Kai. I know that I feel something for him but I am not sure if its just admiration, or me liking him enough to woo him." Taehyun at with his head down as he expressed his dilemma to kai.

Taehyun was a sensible person who would rather die than playing with someones emotion and feelings. He knew that he felt something but what happens if Yeonjun starts liking him and realizes that what he felt for Yeonjun was not love but just admiration for coming so far at such young age.

Kai sighed after hearing Taehyun out. He knew that Taehyun surely liked Yeonjun as the latter talked about the CEO every time they were on the phone however he also understood what Taehyun was trying to say. I mean Taehyun only knew for a  week or so.

"Taehyun sometimes only a second is enough to fall in love with someone for eternity. I am saying you to go for it. Test the waters and if you don't feel something for him than stop the bet and if you feel something for him than again stop the bet and love him dearly because I heard from Soobin that Yeonjun had a hard past." Kai expressed his opinion as he stood up from the table they both were sitting at and made his way to the staff room of the cafe.

Leaving the cafe Taehyun revised all the memories of him with Yeonjun meaning to find a single on where he found Yeonjun hate able, annoying or something that Yeonjun would not like in his partner but all he was met with was a deafening silence and happy and warm memories alarming Taehyun a small crush he had on Yeonjun.

 Standing outside the apartment door Taehyun could only think of one thing 'Let's woo the hell out of Yeonjun.'


Last year of O levels is stressful. Several projects and deadlines. I hope you all stay safe in you homes and wash your hands.

 'Sometimes only a second is enough to fall in love with someone for eternity.'Lovelpuff

I actually wrote this quote I think I have got a nick for this got a nick for this.


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