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Veronica's POV

I woke up with a major headache. "Ugh!" I put my hand to my head and slowly got up. What the hell happened to night? I looked around he room I was in. This isn't my room, but recognize it. Wait what? I to the left of me on the bed. There's Jughead laying there asleep. I realize he's naked and so am I. "Shit!" I mumbled and sat up covering myself with the sheets. I stood up and started getting my clothes on. I grabbed my phone and quickly and quietly left.

I looked at my phone. Holy shit! Cheryl and Toni really wanted to know where I was.

Only one thought went through my mind going back to Cheryl's and Toni's. Did we use protection? It didn't seem like we did. Also, was he as drunk as I was? And how the hell did I end up in the Southside?

I walked into the house and was immediately greeted by Cheryl and Toni. "Where the fuck were you?" Cheryl asked. I shrugged. "What do you mean you don't know? Where did you come from?" "Somewhere." I told her. "What do you mean somewhere?" Toni asked. "I don't know exactly where I came from." I lied. Cheryl walked away clearly annoyed with me. Toni looked at me. "You need something?" I asked. "No. She said and walked off.

I walked back upto my room and shut the door. Maybe I should tell Sweet Pea about this. But we're not even dating. Why would he care? Well, he really does care about me. But just as if the world was reading my mind Sweet Pea called me. I answered.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Do you want to meet up at Pop's?" He asked.

"Uhh, sure. When?"

"Now maybe. I have something I wanna ask you." He said. Which this got me wondering.

"Oh, okay? Uh, yeah, I'll meet you now."

"Great. See you a bit. Bye."

"Bye." I said and hung up. What on Earth would he want to ask me?

Once I got to Pop's I found Sweet Pea sitting in a booth by the window. I walked over to him. I smiled at him and sat across from him. He looked kind of nervous. "So, what was it you wanted to ask me?" I asked. He sighed nervously. Yep! He's nervous about something. His hands were a little fidgety. "Are you okay?" I asked. He finally looked at me. "Okay, so this is very important." He said. I nodded. "Mmhmm? And?" I asked. "Well... I know you just broke up with Jughead and everything, but I kind of really don't care. " He stopped. "Where are you going with this?" I asked. "I want you to know I really like you. Your smart and beautiful and just perfect, and that..." he stopped. Oh, shit are we really going here? "And that what?" I asked. "I want you to be my girlfriend." He said really fast. I sighed and looked away from him. I didn't say anything. "Now you don't have to say anything now, but I just had to let you know thats how felt." I smiled. "It's fine." I said and looked at him. "Can you just give me a few days maybe? Please, I just don't want to start something so soon." I asked him. He nodded and smiled. "Of course." I got up. "See you at school on Monday?" I asked. "See you Monday." I smiled and walked out of Pop's and went back Cheryl's.

I should've told him about Jughead. I mean, would he care if I was drunk? I just don't want him to stop talking to me. I like him as a friend. He's so nice. I'm still worried Jug and I didn't use protection last night. I bet we did. We aren't that dumb.

On Monday

Once school came Monday I finally had an answer for Sweet Pea. I started looking for him then realized he would most likely be at my locker. I went to my locker and there he was. I smiled at him. "Hey, Sweets!" I said. He just smiled at me. "So I have an answer for you." I told him. "You do?" He asked. "Well..."

Jughead's POV
On Saturday morning

I woke up at around noon. Oh, my god. How much did I drink last night? I still remember some of it though. I got up and put some clothes on. I walked out to the small kitchen and there was a leather Serpants jackets laying on the sofa. Well, it's to small to be mine. Besides, I'm wearing mine right now. I started thinking about last night. I know I came home with someone. I know that. But who? I picked up the Serpent jacket and the smell on was vaguely familiar. Wait. I think I came home with Veronica. How drunk was I to do that? Shit! What did we do? Do I want to know? Ugh! How stupid am I?


When I walked into school on Monday I saw something I thought I would never see before in my life. This can't be serious.

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