Chapter 4: Back to the Beginning

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"Alana!" Shmi called.

Alana left Anakin to finish placing the last things in his bag and came out from their room, a small knapsack around her shoulders. She looked at her mother and gave her a sad smile.

"Come here, darling," Shmi whispered, her arms outstretched. Alana buried herself in her mother's arms. "I knew this would happen again one day. Take care of yourself, Lanie. And keep an eye out for Anakin whenever you can."

"Always," Alana whispered.

They stood there for a moment longer before Qui-Gon cleared his throat as Anakin scampered into the room, signifying that it was time to leave. Alana stepped back and took a deep breath.

"Wait, Lanie, I think there's something you're forgetting," Shmi said, turning to a storage container of the side of the room. It hadn't been touched in years. She rummaged around for a moment before finding what she was looking for.

"Mom," Alana said quietly as her mother pulled out a long, silver cylinder. It was Alana's lightsaber.

"You should have it back," Shmi replied, handing it to her daughter. "Please."

Alana took it gently, almost fearful of touching it. She quickly attached it underneath her shawl and to the belt that Eirtaé had given her on the ship. She looked at her mother, a look of understanding and love passing their faces before the group made their way outside.

As the group began to move, Alana could sense her brother's happiness. Then with a blink of an eye, it turned to sadness and confusion. She looked back to see her brother racing toward their mother and smiled. He had never left Tatooine before.

Qui-Gon stopped, waiting patiently for Anakin to say goodbye to Shmi. Alana stood beside him, looking at the exchange between the two. Shmi was kneeling on the ground beside Anakin, talking quietly.

After a few more moments, the two embraced and Anakin was back on his way to Qui-Gon and Alana. As the group made their way away from the house, Anakin silently slipped his hand inside of Alana's. Alana looked down at her brother and squeezed his hand for reassurance.

"I'll always look out for you, Ani," she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

"I know," Anakin said.

Alana smiled and the group trudged on through the village. Once they left the spaceport, Alana began to feel a pit form in her stomach. Something malicious was present, and she was not excited to find out what it was.

Qui-Gon seemed to sense the same thing, and he began to pick up his pace drastically, almost going across the desert in a sprint. Alana could keep the pace, but she chose instead to fall back beside her brother.

They were almost to the ship when she suddenly sensed something behind her and just as she turned to face it, Qui-Gon shouted.


Alana fell to the ground, yanking her brother down with her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone in a black robe jumping off of a hovercraft.

"Get to the ship! Tell them to take off!" Qui-Gon called.

Alana immediately stood and raced off, practically dragging Anakin behind her. The two of them raced up the ramp of the ship. They were greeted by Padme and a guard.

"Take off!" Alana tried to yell.

"Qui-Gon's in trouble!" Anakin added.

The two of them came into the cockpit where Obi-Wan and a pilot were situated.

Immediately, Obi-Wan began to give instructions.

"Take off," he said, looking out over the desert. He spotted Qui-Gon fighting someone with a lightsaber. "Over there! Fly low."

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