Chapter 22: Forever

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Alana stood in the middle of Obi-Wan's rooms, staring at him in shock. Surely she must have misunderstood his words. Obi-Wan was clearly waiting for a response, but Alana had none to give him.

So much had happened in the past week, that she was so overwhelmed. First, the assassination attempt, the search for Kamino, her travel to Tatooine, the death of her mother, the Battle of Geonosis, her brother's anger towards her, the beginning of the war, and now Obi-Wan was asking her this. It had only been a week since they had been reunited, and she was already overwhelmed with the emotional stress that she had been through, let alone her physical exhaustion. She stood there, beginning to tremble under the weight of it all when Obi-Wan spoke, stepping towards her.

"Alana?" He asked.

Alana inadvertently took a step back from him.

"I," she started, feeling tears coming to her eyes. "It's too much."

She immediately saw a flash of hurt cross his face, then it turned to confusion.

"Then what is it you want for us? From me?"

"I don't know," Alana started, wiping a few tears from her face quickly, not wanting him to see her. "I know that I care for you," she said. "But everything is happening so quickly and my whole world has changed with these past few days that my head and my emotions are clouding my judgment."

"You said that you had cared for me when we first met and now you say the same," Obi-Wan said, trying to understand her motivations. "Do you not mean it?"

"Of course I do," Alana whispered, reaching her hand up and cupping his cheek. "I am in love with you, Obi-Wan."

"Then why not?" Obi-Wan asked, moving her hand away from his face. "I have been so worried about breaking the code, of the Council finding out my thoughts, but now that I am with you, I have begun to realize that I am a better Jedi with you. The code says that we should use our feelings, and love is one of those feelings. I am stronger and more sure with you, Alana, because of my love. And now that our assignments are leading us apart, I do not know when I will see you again. I want to marry you. I want to know that I am yours and you are mine."

"Our assignments?" Alana asked, stepping back from Obi-Wan. The rest of his words had fallen on deaf ears. She had not even thought to ask where he would be assigned. "They're pushing us apart? I don't want to be away from you, not now."

"You're going to be patrolling the Outer Rim. The cruiser I've been assigned is to return to Kamino and remain there," Obi-Wan said. "I don't even know when I will see you again."

Alana fought back tears as she began to realize that their moments alone were short and would always be that way. She hated to leave his side.

"We have to ask to be reassigned together. I don't want to lose you."

"The Council does as it thinks best. They do not know about us. They cannot know about us," Obi-Wan said. "If we were to ask to be assigned together, they would be suspicious."

Alana clenched her jaw. Obi-Wan was right. If the Council found out they would both be expelled from the Order, and Alana had already done that before. She didn't want to lose what she had fought to get back.

"That's why I want us to get married," Obi-Wan said gently, taking her chin in his hand and pulling it up so that her eyes would meet his. "I want you to be mine. Even if the world is waging war around us, even if I am on the other side of the galaxy, even if you cannot see me, I want you to be mine."

Alana looked into his eyes, seeing how serious he was and how much he cared for her. The steel-blue made her feel safe, made her realize how much he meant.

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