Chapter 20: The Beginning of the War

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"Master," Sylvan's voice drew Alana's attention away from Obi-Wan and Anakin, who were still bickering. "Did he just say execution?"

Before Alana could answer, there was a rattling sound, and Alana turned to see five doors around the arena all beginning to rise. Out of one of them came a giant creature with three horns, something Alana had only read about in her Jedi studies. It was a reek, an animal known to be herbivorous unless starved. And based on the way it was staring at them, it was hungry.

Then another door opened to reveal two tall, green creatures, which Alana recognized as acklays. They each had six deadly claws and teeth that looked rather sharp. They fought for a second before they were shocked into submission by one of the Geonosian guards, who was promptly stabbed by one of the legs of the acklays.

They turned towards Alana and Obi-Wan, both of whom clenched their teeth, steeling themselves in order to try to fight off these creatures. But before they attacked, two more doors opened to reveal a nexu. It was a cat-like creature with claws even sharper than the acklays, and it went barreling straight towards Padme.

The last creature that came out of the cages was a bogwing. It was a flighted bird, but it appeared to have one of its wings clipped so that it could not fly too far. They were native to the planet of Naboo, but they were vicious and territorial, and it looked straight at Sylvan.

As the creatures came towards them, Alana could hear her brother speak.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," he said. Alana watched as one of the acklays was staring her down as the creatures approached. There was one for each of them.

"Just relax, try to concentrate," Alana said to Sylvan, who was clearly about to panic. "You're going to do fine, just take a deep breath. We'll get out of this."

She could hear Obi-Wan saying something similar to Anakin, and she looked over at them. Alana was quickly distracted when she noticed Padme climbing to the top of her pole.

"She seems to be on top of things," Obi-Wan said.

Alana turned and took a deep breath. She was worried for everyone in the arena, Padme was a friend, Sylvan was her Padawan, Anakin was her brother, and Obi-Wan was, well, she wasn't exactly sure what, but she knew she was surrounded by the four people who meant the most to her in the world. Unfortunately, now was not the time to worry about their safety, but to worry about her own.

The acklay had reached her and was raising one of its legs to stab her, but she managed to dive out of the way, momentarily forgetting that she was still attached to the pole. In her attempt to dive out of the way, she swung around the pole and found herself back at the front, only with a much shorter chain.

"Shit," she muttered and the acklay screeched in her face and she managed to dive out of the way again. Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed Obi-Wan rolling on the ground, somehow having gotten unattached from the pole. Alana gritted her teeth as the acklay's face neared her own, and if to bite her head off.

"Master, look out!" she could hear Sylvan's voice coming from a ways away from her.

"It's staring me in the face," Alana shouted. "My young Padawan, I can't NOT look out."

Suddenly the acklay lunged, and Alana managed to position herself so that the acklay's teeth only chomped the handcuffs around her hands before sliding out between the acklay's legs.

She was now underneath the acklay. It stumbled, trying to find her, and it got caught by the chain on the pole. Just as that happened, Alana spotted Anakin riding on top of the reek, using his chain to guide it, which immediately gave Alana an idea.

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