Chapter 40: No Sleep

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(AN: Thank you everyone for your patience with this chapter! I took a couple of months off to help refresh my writer's block and to have a bit of time to myself before school! As it's starting back up, I hope to continue to post regularly with @charis_nikola ! And as always, please comment, vote, and enjoy this chapter! Much love. -Rach)

TW: Graphic mention of death scene

Alana stared at Cieralai, her body frozen in place, unable to speak. The only thing keeping her grounded was the feeling of her back against the cool door, keeping Cieralai from taking her information to the Council.

Alana's mind flashed to her options. She could either let Cieralai walk out and tell the Council, which would result in her being cast out of the Jedi Order, Obi-Wan would lose his position, and their lives would be changed forever. Or, she would be given the option to terminate the child and go on with her duties, but most likely be separated from Obi-Wan forever.

Her mind then went to a dark place, the Dark Side within her tempting her, and Alana's eyes glanced over to where her lightsaber rested on the table, only feet away from her. If she could only use it-

Alana shook herself from her thoughts. They were getting the best of her, and she knew that she couldn't do what her thoughts were tempting her to. To kill someone in order to protect her livelihood would bring her to the brink of darkness, to which she knew she would never be able to return.

Alana furrowed her brows.

"You know what this will do to me. To Obi-Wan," she said quietly. "Please."

"I will do what I must in order to keep the Jedi code. You can't change that, Alana." That was the first time Cieralai had actually spoken her name.

Alana hesitated, her eyes scanning Cieralai's hardened expression, trying desperately to seek out any soft spot she had in her heart. "Take one day. Just think about it for a few days, I beg of you. The Council doesn't meet for three days, so please, take until then to think on it."

Cieralai furrowed her brows slightly and her eyes narrowed slightly in contemplation. She was silent for a few moments before slowly nodding. "Fine. I will think about it."

Alana stayed there, blocking the entrance, assessing Cieralai's commitment before she was satisfied. She stepped cautiously out of the way and watched as Cieralai glided coldly out the door, with it sliding shut behind her.

Alana sank to the floor, her head in her hands, succumbing to a full-blown panic attack. She could barely breathe, her heart racing a thousand times a minute. She tried to focus on anything, but she couldn't seem to focus.

After what seemed like hours, she finally managed to focus on the cool concrete wall behind her, pressing against it firmly, allowing herself to come down from her panic until finally, all that she could feel was complete silence.

Alana finally had the strength to stand up and pull herself to her bed, where she laid back down and curled up, falling quickly asleep.

That's when it started. The nightmare.

There was nothing, and then, flashes. Someone was running. Lightsaber clashes could be heard amongst the ever-increasing shouts in the dim scenery. What was going on? Where was this place? It was unfamiliar. The sky was dark and full of clouds, and the vibrant red and blue colors from the lightsabers bounced off of what appeared to be a black temple made of marble. Where was this place?

Someone was running, the panting was heavy and evident. It was like looking through their perspective. Who is it? Who is this person? Who were they running to? The figure's vision shifted and all of a sudden, like a movie that appeared to fast forward, they were in the temple.

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