Chapter 27: Return to Kamino

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(AN: You guys!!! We hit 12K reads and over 300 votes! This really made my day. Thank you for all the support and kind feedback. I'm really excited for everyone to see what happens next. Enjoy! Much love -Rach).

Much of the return back to Kamino was filled with putting out fires and making sure that they arrived back alive, and not all burnt to a crisp. It was a few days' journey, and neither Alana nor Sylvan had a wink of sleep during the whole journey. 

Alana quickly went to work, helping as quickly as she could, with Sylvan by her side, even though they both were worn down physically and mentally from the fight and from the lack of sleep. The day before they were due to arrive back on Kamino, they were busy in the hangar when one of the captains that Alana didn't recognize came running up to her.

"Captain Pol, sir," he announced himself.

Alana set down the equipment that she was lifting and she turned to the Captain.

"What is it, Captain?" Alana asked.

"Some of my men were in the engine room, and a part of the ceiling caved in, pinning them down below. It's too heavy for us to lift. We need your help," he said.

Alana could feel the exhaustion seeping into her bones. She hadn't even slept since the previous night, but she steeled herself and turned to see Sylvan putting down some equipment behind her.

"Sylvan, come with me," Alana called to her before turning back to the Captain. "Show me the way."

They raced down to the engine room, and Alana gritted her teeth as she entered. She could see a handful of men pinned down underneath a large metal beam, struggling and calling out in pain. Upon seeing the general, a few of the medics who were trying to ease the mens' pain stepped away from the men pinned below.

Alana stopped, and she sensed Sylvan stop beside her.

"I will not be able to do this on my own. Too much of my strength has been drained," Alana said, quietly, looking over at Sylvan. "Close your eyes, concentrate on the beam, feel the energy, feel it all around you, and we will lift it together and set it down out of the way of the men."

"Yes Master," Sylvan said, turning to the beam and closing her eyes. The two of them reached their hands out, feeling and searching the beam, grabbing tightly onto it and using all of their strength to pull it up.

Alana could feel Sylvan's presence beside her. They both were tired, the battle, the hours awake, and the losses taking its toll on both of them. Alana clenched her jaw and used the last bit of her strength to pull the beam up and over to the side of the room, just out of the way of the men. The two of them could feel each other's presence dwindling down as their energy was depleted, and the beam came crashing to the ground.

The two Jedi collapsed to the ground, with Alana's eyes opening as she caught her apprentice in her arms. Sylvan was weak and completely drained of energy, so weak that she had passed out completely, but Alana knew she would be alright with a few hours of rest. Alana watched as the Captain knelt beside them, calling over a medic and trying to help Alana.

"No, no," Alana said weakly, setting Sylvan down gently on the ground. "I'm alright. See to her."

Alana stood and stumbled out of the room, leaving the chaos behind her. She made her way down the hallway and found herself in the part of the clone quarters that had been undamaged. She was too far from her own room, so she collapsed into one of the bunks and shut her eyes, letting sleep take her.


"Uh, you think we should wake her up?"

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