Chapter 15: Parting Ways

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"Master," Sylvan's voice pulled Alana awake from her sleep, and she looked up from where she had sat in the corner of the room. Her Padawan was standing in front of her, looking down at Alana, an eyebrow raised in slight concern.

"Good morning," Alana said, stretching and standing from where she had rested after her shift with Obi-Wan. She quickly tied her hair back up into a tight braid while Sylvan spoke.

"Glad to see you awake," Sylvan said. "I was beginning to wonder if I needed to find a new Master," she joked, letting out a small laugh before seeing the look on Alana's face.

"Someone's been spending too much time with Anakin," Alana said. She noted the look on Sylvan's face before looking around at the room. Obi-Wan and Anakin were standing out on the balcony, and a new group of guards had just arrived up to her quarters, Captain Typho among them.

"We're all set here, Master Jedi," Captain Typho's said. "The Senator will be attending the Senate meeting this morning, and we will be there until this afternoon, as much as I don't like the idea of her staying here."

"Of course," Obi-Wan said as the Jedi came into the center of the room. His eyes flickered over to Alana, who was paying attention intently on what Captain Typho was saying.

"We will let the Council know of the situation. They may advise a new course of action regarding Senator Amidala's safety," Alana said and the Jedi bowed, leaving the room and the Senator safely in Captain Typho's hands.

After departing from Senator Amidala's quarters, the group made their way to a transport that would take them to the Jedi Temple. Upon arriving at the Jedi Temple, they had some time before the Council was expecting them, so the four made their way to the refectory to get something to eat, as it had been a long night.

When they arrived, Sylvan spotted a few other Padawans from her Youngling class who she had not seen, and Alana gave her permission to go. She was about to leave when she realized Anakin would be sitting with his Master.

"Anakin," Sylvan said. "Would you like to come with us?" She asked. Even though her class was a few years younger than Anakin, they were all Padawans, and it was a rare thing for Anakin to bond with others his own age.

"Go," Obi-Wan instructed, waving them both off. Anakin and Sylvan made their way over to the table, food in hand and sat down with the small group of Padawans.

Alana noted that Barriss Offee, Luminara's Padawan, was among the group of Padawans, and she scanned Jedi spread throughout the refectory. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Luminara sitting alone. She veered off from where Obi-Wan was heading to sit, and she came alongside Luminara's table.

"May I?" Alana asked.

Luminara looked up to see her friend and smiled.

"Alana! It is wonderful to see you," she said, motioning for her to sit. Alana looked back to see that Obi-Wan had chosen to sit by himself, clearly needing a few moments to himself.

"How have you been?" Alana asked.

"Busy," Luminara said. "But I've been well. And you?"

"Also busy. We're meeting the Council shortly. A new assignment is going a little rough," Alana shook her head. "Hopefully we'll resolve it soon."

"I saw you come in with Obi-Wan Kenobi," Luminara remarked. Alana glanced over to where Obi-Wan was sitting and saw him looking over at her. He looked away quickly, clearly embarrassed, which made Alana look away quickly also.

"Yes," Alana said, toying with her food. "We're on assignment together with our Padawans."

Luminara nodded and the two ate in silence for a little bit when Alana looked up at the time and gasped.

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