Chapter 10: A New Mission

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(AN: Please drop a vote and a comment when you read this (slightly shorter) chapter! I'm absolutely in love with writing this fanfic, and I'm happy for Alana as a character. (Pic is of Jedi Temple) I hope you enjoy! -Rach)

Alana woke to find herself in the Jedi Temple medical bay. She groaned, looking around her and beginning to sit up. Her eyes flickered around the room, landing on the figure seated beside her bed.

"Hello there, Alana," Master Windu said. "Good to see you awake."

"Master," Alana replied. "How long have I been out?" She asked.

"A few hours. You passed out from exhaustion at the end of your trials before the Council could give you the results."

Alana looked down at her hands and sighed. She reflected on her experience in the Jedi Trials chamber, shuddering at the image of herself as a Sith.

"Those things in the chamber, were they real?" Alana asked. "Are they all possible?"

"Anything is possible, Alana. But you must be cautious of your feelings. They betray you," Master Windu said. "All that matters now is that your Trials have been completed. You are to become a Jedi Knight."

Alana smiled, happy that she had passed the Trials.

"You are to have your Knighting ceremony tomorrow. Following that, the Council is sending you on a mission to Naboo, to help Jedi Knight Luminara in arbitrating the treaty between the Gungans and the Naboo," Master Windu said.

"Yes, Master."

"Now, return to your room once the doctors have cleared you. I will come and escort you to the heart of the Tranquility Spire so that you may meditate before the Council calls you for your ceremony."

Alana nodded and watched as her Master left the infirmary, leaving her to get cleared by the droid doctors before she escaped back to her room. She changed into a different set of robes, her mind flickering back to all of the trials.

Before she could reminisce too much, there was a knock at the door. She left, meeting her Master and bowing to him as they silently made their way to the Tranquility Spire to begin meditating for her ceremony.

She entered a darkened room and bade her Master farewell. The room was empty, with a small seat in the middle. She made her way over to it, sitting down cross-legged and shut her eyes.

When she did, almost immediately her mind wandered to the trials. Instead of clearing her thoughts away, she took her time to see them and to think of her experiences in the chamber.

First, there had been the Trial of Skill, her climb up the halls and her fight against her master. She shuddered at the thought of fighting her Master again. Then her time in the dark. Her Trial of Courage. She had spent hours running, but the moment that she had stilled herself the little girl had appeared.

The little girl's voice echoed in Alana's mind, and she pursed her lips. She had never seen the child before. What did that mean? Who was she? Alana took a deep breath and centered herself again, pushing the child to the back of her mind.

Then, there had been the Trial of Flesh. Her connection to her brother and to her mother and their loss had tested her to see if she could deal with loss and suffering. She shuddered at the image of them lying in the snow.

The next trial had been by far the most difficult, the face-off against herself and the Trial of the Spirit. The Sith's words still echoed in Alana's soul, and she trembled at the idea of facing herself again. She had won there, but could she win again, she wasn't sure.

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