Chapter 28: A Separatist Plot

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(AN: Hey everyone, just a little disclaimer as the series continues: I plan on sticking closely with the canon side of things; however I will be incorporating a little from the EU as it goes on. Here I know Anakin is technically not a Knight yet, but for story and plotlines' sake, I have made him a Knight earlier than the EU has set out. Other than that, I really hope you all enjoy this next chapter. I plan on posting weekly or biweekly at this point! Much love -Rach)

Alana woke the next morning, the bed empty beside her, and she sat up quickly, pulling the sheets around her body, looking around the room for Obi-Wan. The room was empty, except for a small bag sitting in the corner, the one that she had brought with her from Coruscant. He must have gone to get it sometime in the night.

Suddenly, she heard the door to the room open, and she heard Obi-Wan talking to a clone.

"Thank you, Commander, I'm sure General Shaak Ti will have much to say about this transmission in the meeting," he said. "I will see you then."

Alana remained seated on the bed as she heard the door close, and light footsteps coming towards the bedroom. Obi-Wan came into view, fully dressed in his Jedi robes, and he smiled as he saw Alana sitting up in front of them.

"Hello, my darling," he said, coming in and placing a kiss on her forehead. "I'm glad to see you're awake."

"What time is it?" Alana asked, looking out the window, to where it was still raining on Kamino, the overcast skies not giving a sense of time.

"A little after 8 o'clock in the morning here," Obi-Wan said, sitting on the bed beside her. "You slept in."

"I suppose I did, but that's only because someone kept me up all night," Alana said, stroking his beard gently before placing a kiss on his lips. She could feel him smirk when pressing his lips against hers. After a moment she pulled back and looked at him, content to be in his arms once again. "Thank you for bringing my things from the ship," Alana said.

"Of course," Obi-Wan said. "Although, Commander Bash helped me. He's a good soldier, I see."

"He is," Alana said, finally standing from the bed. She could feel his gaze on her as she walked across the room to get a new change of clothes for the day. She went to the bathroom to wash up and prepare for the day. As she was tying her hair up, she noticed Obi-Wan in the mirror. He was standing in the doorway, watching her, a soft look on his face. He was quiet, thoughtful, but his mind seemed to be elsewhere. Alana noted the slight frown, the furrowed brows before trying to bring him back.

"What is it, Obi?" She asked quietly, turning to him as she pinned the last part of her hair back. He was torn from his thoughts at her question and shook his head.

"I do not wish to trouble you," he said.

"Was it about what the Commander said at the door when you came?"

Obi-Wan sighed and took Alana into his arms, holding her for a moment. "There's no fooling you, is there?" Alana rolled her eyes and ignored his comment, wanting to know more about the conversation

"I could hear you talking about some transmission," Alana said. "What was it about?

"There's been a report about a Separatist plot to attack Kamino," he said. "I was with Shaak Ti this morning, and she mentioned it to me. We'll be discussing it more in-depth at the meeting in a few minutes," he said.

"What is it about? What's going on?" Alana demanded, stepping back from Obi-Wan. She wanted to know, but she could tell that he was not in the mood.


"It's alright," Alana stopped him. Even though he seemed happy on the outside at being with her, his mind seemed clouded with the war. "This war changes so much in our lives," Alana said quietly. "The days are gone when I could go and find solace in the archives back at the Temple on Coruscant. Now my days are filled with combat training and planning for when the next attack could be."

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