Chapter 18: Reuniting

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Alana sped through space, her eyes blurred with tears, willing the ship to go faster. She was completely blinded by her emotions, by her mother's anguish, by her fear that she couldn't think straight. All of this manifested in her physically in the form of a panic attack. She sat in an unknown ship, in a compact and small cockpit meant just for two, and she could not regain control of herself. She closed her eyes in an attempt to calm down when suddenly, she felt a soft and calming presence in the Force, one that she had only felt once before during her trials.

"It ok, momma."

Alana's eyes flew open, the tiny and perfect voice bringing her back to present and immediately calming her down. Alana's breath was back in control, and she was no longer shaking or afraid. She was immensely calm.

"Who are you?" She said out loud, but the presence had already disappeared again. That was the second time the child had called her 'momma.'

The silence around her was deafening, when all of a sudden, Alana heard a beeping sound, telling her that they were jumping out of hyperspace right beside the planet of Tatooine. She decided it was best to land outside the spaceport where she had grown up.

It was late during the nighttime when she arrived, and the town was completely silent. Alana made to get out of the cockpit, but she got dizzy, her body overcome with exhaustion.

"I have to keep going," she whispered to herself when suddenly everything went black.


Alana woke up to bright daze of the sun above her, the heat nearly suffocating her in the cockpit of the ship. Suddenly, the sound of Jawas outside the plane brought her back. She sprung the cockpit open and jumped out to see Jawas surrounding the plane, and she ignited her lightsaber while jumping to the ground.

"If I come back and my ship isn't in one piece, I will find you and slaughter your whole crew," she said, causing the Jawas to start screaming and running away from her and her ship. Alana laughed as they disappeared out of sight.

Her eyes adjusted to the landscape and she looked in the cockpit, checking the time. It was past noon. She had been asleep for a very long time. Her body had been overly exhausted, having not slept in days, so it shut down herself.

Alana turned to make way into the spaceport to look for her mother when she noticed a ship coming towards her, beginning to land beside hers.

"You've got to be shitting me," Alana said, recognizing the ship immediately. It was a sleek and small Naboo cruiser belonging to none other than Senator Amidala. She put her lightsaber away as the cruiser came to a rest and the walkway opened to reveal three rather upset people looking at her.

Sylvan came marching down the ramp first, heading straight for Alana.

"I told them not to come!" She practically yelled. "I said it was a stupid idea, and we would get caught, and I don't even know why we're here, he won't even tell me!"

Alana frowned when she saw her brother, with Padme right beside him/ They descended the walkway and joining Sylvan and Alana.

"Ani," she said softly. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for the same reason you are," he said.

"Why didn't you leave the Senator with Sylvan?" Alana demanded. "You're breaking the Council's order. You're disobeying them by coming here and putting Senator Amidala's life at risk."

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