Chapter 21: The Clone Wars

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(AN: I'm thinking that once I've finished this fanfic, I may write one from Sylvan's POV and do more of her story. What do you guys think? Maybe with some Captain Rex love because I adore him... Let me know what you think in the comments, would you read it? -Rach)

As the battle subsided, the Jedi gathered to count their losses, and to see what the Separatist army had left. Alana had noticed that Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Master Yoda were missing. As the 200th regrouped, she moved to speak with Master Windu, who was approaching from the east, Sylvan at her side.

"Master," Alana said. "It's good to see you made it through this storm."

"Agreed," Master Windu said, looking around. "Although it seems that not all have weathered through it as we have."

"Do you know where Master Yoda, Master Kenobi, and Anakin are? Or Senator Amidala?" Alana asked.

"No, I don't," Master Windu shook his head. "See if any of the clones can reach them."

"Yes, Master," Alana said, turning and making her way back to Commander Bash, who was doing a final headcount with the two captains of the 200th Company.

"Bash," Alana called. The group turned and looked at her.

"Yes, sir," Bash said, everyone immediately coming to attention. Alana rolled her eyes as Sylvan giggled slightly at the pomp that they were giving her. She knew that her Master hated the formalities of a Jedi life.

"First off, you don't have to come to attention every time I speak to you," Alana said. At her words, everyone dropped to a much more casual stance, easing their minds and relaxing their bodies. "And second, are you able to locate Senator Amidala, Master Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, and Master Kenobi?" She asked.

"Yes, sir," Commander Bash said, immediately using his set of coms to reach out to the other clone leaders to see if anyone had an eye on the Jedi or knew their location. Alana waited, each second making her heart beat faster when finally, the commander looked up.

"Apparently Master Yoda and Senator Amidala escorted Master Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to one of the medical tents that have been set up just past the forward command center," he said. "Master Yoda is currently on his way back to meet with the rest of the Jedi."

Alana sighed a breath of relief, they were alive.

"Thank you, Commander," she said. "I'm going to head that way. Stay here with Sylvan and see what the Council's instructions are regarding the situation here on Geonosis."

With that, she turned towards the forward command center, which she could see off in the distance. There were a few white tents that had been set up, with even more on the way. As Alana approached the collection of tents, she could hear people coming and going, with injured clones being escorted into the larger ones. Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of Obi-Wan as the flaps on one of the tents opened slightly.

Alana entered the tent to find him being tended to by a medical droid, muttering about his injuries. From what she could see, he had a deep cut on his arm and one on his leg.

He seemed to sense her entrance, and he turned to her, almost knocking the droid over.

"Obi-Wan, you're alright," she breathed, coming over and standing in front of him as the droid finished fixing his arm by using growth acceleration. It then moved to his leg. She wanted to kiss him, but she decided to keep her distance.

"As are you," Obi-Wan replied. He scanned her body and her face, checking for any injuries, but she seemed to be untouched. He clearly wanted to reach over and hold her, but he did not want to do so even in front of a droid. "What happened down here?"

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