Chapter 33: Before the Battle

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(AN: I hope you are all staying healthy and safe. I know with everything going on in the world it can be really overwhelming, so please do not hesitate to reach out if you need someone to talk to. With all of this quarantine/social-distancing that I'm doing these next few weeks, I'm hoping to rattle through a couple of chapters a week! I hope you all enjoy this long-awaited chapter. Much love! -Rach)

Alana stood in her quarters, pacing back and forth, watching out the small window as the ship traveled through hyperspace. She was wide awake, her mind traveling as fast as the ship. She had tried to meditate for a while, but each time she closed her eyes, the images that had been revealed by the man in black flashed through her mind, forcing her back to the present.

After some time spent in her room, she realized that it was time for the debrief with the soldiers, so Alana reluctantly made her way down from her room to where everyone had gathered. She slipped silently inside the room, but instead of going to the front where the others had gathered, she stayed in the back, not wanting to draw attention to herself.

Unfortunately, as soon as she entered the room, her stormy presence in the Force alerted the other Jedi to her arrival. Sylvan's ears perked up as she scanned the room for her Master. Obi-Wan's eyes immediately landed on hers, noting the disinterested look on Alana's face as she sullenly stood behind all the soldiers. Anakin too noted the look on Alana's face, but instead of trying to change her mood as Obi-Wan had, he reached out to her, letting her know that no matter what had happened, he understood.

At his reaction to her mood, Alana looked up and met her brother's eyes. Anakin nodded his head to her, accepting the fact that she was not ready to stand in front of the group of soldiers. He could feel the conflict within her, just as he felt it in himself.

Alana watched as Anakin leaned over to Obi-Wan and spoke quietly with him before they began the debrief.

It wasn't long before they had finished, with Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Commander Cody taking the lead in explaining the strategy and events. Once they had finished, the troops were dismissed, and they were sent to their stations to prepare for battle and to await further instructions.

As the troops filtered out, Sylvan began to make her way over to Alana for instruction, but before she could get too far, Anakin stopped her. He whispered a few things in her ear, which Alana could not hear. As he spoke with her, Sylvan's eyes flickered over to where Alana stood, leaned up against the wall beside the door, but she nodded and turned away, exiting the room per Anakin's request.

Obi-Wan could barely look his wife in the eyes, as he could still sense that she was shutting him out. He scanned her before exchanging a quick word with Anakin. As Obi-Wan headed for the exit, he found himself hesitating at the door. He wanted to hold her, to tell her that she could confide in him, but he knew that she wasn't ready. He looked over at her and pursed his lips at her sullen expression staring down at the floor. He was so close to Alana, but she seemed so far away.

"I'll be on the bridge," he said, seemingly to himself. But it was loud enough so that Alana could hear him. She looked up, meeting his eyes before he disappeared from the room, leaving Alana alone beside the door, her brother the only other person left.

"Lanie," Anakin spoke, drawing her attention away from the empty space where Obi-Wan had stood moments ago.

When they looked at each other in the eyes, Anakin felt the walls around her fall, a wave of emotions crashing over Alana. Fear, worry, anger, confusion, distress, sadness. It was consuming her whole mind.

"What is it?" Anakin asked, sensing the strong tidal wave of emotions flooding her mind.

"I- I can't," Alana shook her head. "I can't tell you."

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