Chapter 12: Reunited

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(AN: Peep approximately what Sylvan looks like above. Do you like her as a character? Let me know in the comments once you've read the chapter! -Rach)

The years flew by, with Sylvan growing exponentially under Alana's tutelage. Sylvan adored her master, trying her best to please her as much as she could.

It was one such day that showed Sylvan's newfound knowledge when they were doing fieldwork on the moon Alaris Prime. They had been deep in the forest for many days, seeking to find a group of Wookiees who had lost contact with the main camps on the moon for nearly two weeks.

Alana led the way, remaining on high alert as they made their way through the forest. Sylvan followed closely behind her. Sylvan could sense something following them in the forest line, and she whispered.

"There's something out there."

"Good, you sense it too," Alana said. "We must press on. It does not seem to be a danger to us yet," she said, looking over her shoulder at her Padawan, who wrinkled her cat-like nose slightly, her biological senses taking in the smells and her ears twitching at the sounds of the forest.

"I don't like it," Sylvan muttered. "What do you think it wants?"

"It's hunting us," Alana said matter-of-factly. "Do you remember what creatures hunt in the forest on Alaris Prime, my young Padawan?"

"Really, Master?" Sylvan asked, pausing for a second. "You're going to quiz me right now?"

Alana turned, an eyebrow raised at her apprentice, who bit her lip, realizing the way she had just spoken to her master.

"Keep moving," Alana said sternly, her voice reminding her of the way her old master would speak to her when she questioned him.

"I'm sorry, Master," Sylvan said. "They're gundarks."

"Correct," Alana said, pushing through the brush and branches. "And what can you tell me about them?"

"They're big, ugly, difficult to defeat, and not all that pleasant," Sylvan replied.

"You would be correct. But what is the one thing that they can't do?"

Sylvan thought for a moment as she jumped over a fallen tree. Her silence continued, clearly having forgotten her studies. Alana looked back and shook her head.

"Are you tired, my young Padawan?"

"No, no," Sylvan said, shaking her head. "I just- I suppose I didn't look at the information on gundarks as well as I thought I had."

"They can't climb," Alana said. "And based on the sounds that are approaching us, I think it's best we climb now."

Alana suddenly jumped up into the tree that she had paused below, and Sylvan followed suit, hopping up beside her master. The two of them climbed up a ways before finally stopped.  Sylvan looked down and clenched her jaw when she saw the creatures below them.

The gundarks were circling the tree, clawing up at it, and whining and growling ferociously. Suddenly, one of them jumped and caught onto a branch, managing to stand firmly on it before looking up at the two Jedi who were perched in the tree.

"Uh, Master," Sylvan said. "I thought you said they couldn't climb."

"Well, Sylvan, it appears that I may have been wrong," Alana said, raising an eyebrow. "I suppose it's time to go, then," she said, standing up on her branch, balancing perfectly.

"Go where?" Sylvan asked, looking around them. The nearest tree was tiny and most likely wouldn't hold either of their weight.

"Down, of course," Alana said. "You know how to use a lightsaber, don't you? Or have I failed you in your training?"

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