Chapter 36: Waking Up

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(AN: Well, my posting schedule is just wack, you guys. Now that summer's begun, though, I have a better routine, so hopefully, I'll be more consistent with publishing this work. I have something in store with you all, and the next chapter is FINISHED and co-authored (yes I said co-authored!) You will be meeting a special new character created by one of my very good friends in chapter 37, so be on the lookout for that next week! I'm so excited! Please enjoy this rollercoaster of a chapter! Much love. -Rach)

Alana faded in and out of consciousness. She couldn't feel the passing of time. She didn't know what was happening. She didn't know where she was. As lights faded in and out of her vision, she could have sworn that she had died. Voices floated in and out of her hearing, and she struggled to identify them.

Suddenly, everything went dark and quiet. It was not an uneasy sense, but one of peace and tranquility. She had died. At least, so she thought until a bright light came into her vision and she was shocked into consciousness, gasping for air like a drowning person.

She was thrashing, trying to grab onto anything solid until suddenly she found herself being held down and a familiar, calming voice made her come to her senses. In front of her was none other than Obi-Wan.

He was holding her down, speaking to her, but his words were barely audible. As she regained her senses, the confusion settled in on her face.

"Where am I? How did I get here?" She began to babble, but a searing pain across her head caused her to shut up, and she winced.

"You have to calm down," Obi-Wan said gently, still holding tightly to her arms. "Please, Alana."

In his arms, Alana managed to calm down. He held her to his chest, his light breathing helped to clam her. She finally pulled back and felt him press his lips to her forehead quickly, reminding her of who she was to him. But for some reason, Alana still didn't feel right. Something was wrong.

"What's happened?"

"What do you last remember?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I remember getting to Christophsis," she shook her head. "I vaguely remember fighting and then looking for Sylvan, but after that, I don't remember anything."

Obi-Wan nodded his head solemnly, "You were much worse off than anyone could have imagined."

"Tell me what's happened, Obi-Wan. How long have I been out?"

"You've been under special care on Kamino for two weeks, Alana," he replied, running his hands through his hair. "You missed the rest of the battle, you missed Anakin's first mission with his padawan," he trailed off when he noted Alana's confused expression.

"Anakin- has a-"

"Yes, she's young, takes after him," Obi-Wan nodded his head, but he did not give her much more information on the subject. He quickly detailed the mission on Christophsis and that Sylvan had been temporarily reassigned under his guidance. Alana nodded, agreeing that it was a good decision, but the more she spoke with him, the more concern she felt.

Alana sighed, beginning to get the sense that her husband was in a mood. "What is it, Obi-Wan?" She asked, laying her head back on the bed, ignoring the dull ache that rang steadily in her head.

"You could have died, Alana," he said quietly, finally admitting what was wrong.

"But I did not."

"Yes, but you could have. You were too close to danger," Obi-Wan replied, running his hand through his hair yet again, causing Alana to narrow her eyes slightly.

"It's something more than that," she said.

"I can't stay," Obi-Wan said quietly.

"What do you mean? I've only just-"

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