Chapter 19: Geonosis

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The journey from Tatooine to Geonosis was short, with the trip ending as they jumped out of hyperspace into the asteroid field around Geonosis.

"Good grief," Alana yelled, narrowly avoiding a head-on collision with a giant asteroid. "Get us out of here!"

"I can't!" Sylvan shouted back, watching as they were heading straight for another asteroid. "You're the one piloting!"

Alana shook her head, of course, she was the one flying. She regained her level-headedness and angled the ship away from the asteroid, flying just barely underneath it. They whirled around a couple of others before they were finally through the belt.

"I hate flying with you," Sylvan called. "Next time, let me fly, please, Master?"

"First Obi-Wan, now you," Alana muttered. "What's so bad about my flying?"

The ship descended towards the surface, with Alana hoping that they would fly in undetected in the cover of night. She noticed an unusual amount of Federation ships as they made their way to land in a hidden valley. Just as they were about to land the ship, Alana spotted their two-seater interceptor also hidden in the valley.

"Great minds think alike," Alana said. "Look," she pointed it out for Sylvan to see as they landed. "It's the ship. Obi-Wan must be around here somewhere."

"Master, I don't think so," Sylvan said as they opened the cockpit up and jumped out. "He would be out here if so." The two of them approached the ship when suddenly his R4 unit noticed them and started beeping furiously.

"Calm down, R4," Alana said. "It's us."

Seemingly happy at this fact, R4 beeped and whistled. That's when Alana noticed the blast marks on his ship, showing that they'd been in a firefight.

"What in the blazes?" Alana said, running her hand over the black marks. "Where did you get these?"

R4 beeped seriously, telling the story of how they had chased the bounty hunter to Geonosis and had been in the middle of the firefight when Alana's signal had patched through.

"Can you tell us where Master Kenobi went?" Sylvan asked. After R4 beeped at them for a moment, Alana nodded.

"Hopefully we'll catch him in time."

They raced off in the direction that R4 had directed them. They made it to the tunnels, and slowed down, becoming far more cautious. As Alana peered in, she suddenly felt a cold wind blow past her. She shivered slightly before motioning to Sylvan to follow.

Before they could get very far, Alana froze, something in the Force not right. She realized what had happened, and she dropped to the ground, clutching her chest as a great emptiness enveloped her. The world seemed to drop away beneath her, and everything became silent

"No," she whispered. "Mom."

Noticing her Master fall to the ground, Sylvan raced back to her.

"Master?" Sylvan asked.

But Alana couldn't hear her. The world of Geonosis had been replaced by a hut on Tatooine, the image of Anakin cradling a dead Shmi, her head falling back in his arms, her hand limp. Alana watched as Anakin shut his mother's eyes, his expression changing from one of sadness to one of shock to one of rage.

He looked up, and it was like he saw her. His eyes were pleading with Alana, willing Shmi back to life. Alana reached her hand out towards her family, a tear streaming down her face when she suddenly noticed the cuts and burns and horrible things that had happened to Shmi. Alana's expression turned from one of intense sadness to one of anger, and her hand snapped shut into a tight fist.

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