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I didn't reach all my goals
yet this is how my story goes
another part -
of my lonely heart
has broken along the way
as my feet slip nearer
-to a brighter day
I haven't lost my faith.

It's all the same old game
-that lonely people play
just to find their way.

Where all broken
-like a lost token
that has been tossed into the sea
-of darken dreams.

I see all the pieces are there
in a world that is so unfair
-yet no one really cared
they lived out their share.

living life in so much fear
that always seems to stand so near
-bring on all those tears
that last for many long years.

Oh, how others would look at the broken
-with no care,
yet the poor always seem to share
no matter the fear.

They may struggle -
yet they truly stand
- for what they believe in,
I tried so hard to not let this life beat down
but all I can see is the sad clowns
that are always walking around town.

I don't love the way I use to
nothing seems the same
- all I hear is the blame
and feel so much shame.

I have nothing to give
- but I have so much grief
that makes my spirit sink -
Yet I write out my pain in ink.

I was so consumed in so much doubt
I would never let anyone get close
Yet I never stand around and boss
-and I do believe in the holy ghost.

I'm not here on this earth to win
I'm here to forgive all who have made
-my poor heart bleed,
I hear to survive this darken life.

Yet, slowly I am fading away
-in all this misery,
yet things are never at bay
But I know one day I will be okay.

I've accepted who I'm supposed to be
but remember its all in a darken dream
Things are never what they seem.

When I look into the mirror
I had to cry at me -
I see this lady as beautiful as I could ever be
-that lady is me.

I know the years are passing
-and the glass of life is breaking
every year I am getting a bit older
But I am getting so much smarter.

-Judy Emery © 1999
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery

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