First Day Troubles

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September, 1991, Katey age 11... Hogwarts... First night....
Katherine Elizabeth Rose Potter tossed and turned in her bed in her dormitory. Though she could hear bits of noise symbolizing a bit of the frivolity going on downstairs, Katey had thought it best to try to head to bed by half past nine so she would be ready for classes. The other girls in the dorm were still enjoying the frivolity downstairs. Due to the fact that there were several new girls in Gryffindor, Hermione, Katey, Lisa, and Susan all shared one dorm, while the other four girls shared another dorm. What if Dad's upset because I didn't make Slytherin? Mum's probably celebrating cause I made it into Gryffindor. Dad's probably really dissapointed cause I didn't make it into his house. Katey thought as she tossed and turned, trying to fall asleep. It was nearly an hour later before the still-awake eleven year old newly sorted Gryffindor had given up trying to sleep and dawned her fluffy soft pale pink colored dressing gown and slippers over her pjamas. Grabbing her wand, Katey quietly slipped out of her dormitory and into the common room.

"Lumos." The eleven year old whispered as she noiselessly slipped out of the portrait and made her way to her parents quarters.

Severus Snape was not as Katey feared dissapointed with the sorting. The man had informed his wife about the sorting and had bid goodnight to his younger daughters before he went to settle his snakes in. After settling his Snakes in, the man took a walk about the corridors. The man took a few good moments to tongue lash a couple of rowdy Ravenclaw quidditch players who where returning to their dormitory from doing some extra studying for NEWTs. Then, he took a good five minutes and tongue lashed Peeves for terrorizing a first year Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff trying to return to their dormitories from the Library before summoning the Bloody Baron and informing the ghost exactly what the poltergeist had been doing. The man smirked as the Baron chased away the poltergeist from the two children thwacking him with his sword, informing the two that Peeves would be delivering a heartfelt apology to the two once he was finished with him. Once Peeves had been taken care of, the man delivered them to their houses, refraining from docking House points and giving out detention to the two first years because Peeves had made the two miss curfew. By the time the first year Ravenclaw was back in his tower, it was nearly 10:15, and he decided that it was time to try and get some sleep. He silently made his way back to the dungeons and his quarters, when he noticed a soft light in front of him. He extinguished his own wand silently, as he advanced on the culprit, only revealing his presence when he was close enough to stop whoever it was from bolting. He light his wand, and swiftly turned the curfew-wanderer around to face him.

"Katherine Elizabeth Rose Potter!" Severus hissed in shock. "Turn off that light from your wand."

"Nox." Katherine whispered.

"Let's go, young lady." He sternly as he guided her to their quarters. Lily, who had been relaxing on the sofa, looked up as her husband led a very unhappy Katey inside and silently led her to his study. "What in the name of Merlin where you thinking?" He asked her sternly, he sat down beside her on the sofa in the study.

"Are you angry?"

"Yes, I am. You know that this is not a castle to roam around in."

"Not about that, about the sorting." Severus grasped her chin and gently tipped it up.

"I am very proud and pleased with your sorting." He told her gently.

"Oh." Katey said slowly.

"You were out after curfew, though." He continued in stern, disappointed tones.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I couldn't sleep. I thought that you weren't pleased because I wasn't in your house. I can't sleep if I think your upset with me." Katey explained.

Katey Potter: Book 1 (Revised and Edited version)Where stories live. Discover now