Fluffy is Guarding What?

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January, 1992, Katey age 11....
The rest of the the Christmas holidays went off with out a hitch. After Katey had reluctantly agreed to help with the research, she had started looking through her books for any mention of Flammel, yet she didn't spend all her time reading or researching. She also made sure to spend time with her younger siblings, playing with them and making some memories with them. By the time the break ended, Katey hadn't found anything on Flammel, not that Katey really cared, at all.

"Harry!" Hermione said torn between her horror at his breaking rules, and disappointment that he hadn't found anything on Flammel. It would be her horror at his breaking of the rules that would ultimately win out. It was currently January 17, and the Christmas Holidays had ended just seven days earlier. However, this was the first opportunity that the four had been able to discuss Flammel. As part of the research group, Katey was now required to be included in all discussions regarding this topic and had been avoiding it by spending as much time as she could in the library. Tonight however, Harry had dragged her away from the Great Hall and to the common room after dinner before she could make her escape to her parents quarters or her haven in the Library. "You could have been caught."

"Well, he was caught." Katey told her Hermione looking up from what she was working on, a slight smirk gracing her features.

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. "How could you be so careless?"

"Thanks a lot, Little Sis." Harry scowled at his twin.

Katey smirked. "Next time, don't drag me here when I was heading to the library. And don't call me Little Sis." Katey said going back to the essay she was working on. Katey had gotten a lengthy and scathing lecture from Severus earlier that day after Potions due to her lack of attention in class that day, had been assigned a one foot essay on the importance of paying attention due tomorrow after lunch, and had narrowly escaped being grounded again by Lydia bursting in the office in tears. Harry looked away, muttering something about evil twin sisters who squeal on you to their friends. "Anyways, while Harry was.................occupied over the remainder of the holidays, I took the opportunity to do some research of my own."

"Well, did you come up with anything?"

"Nope, not a thing."

"Well, then we will just have to keep researching." Hermione said, sounding determined. The girl sighed as she went back to her essay. Honestly, why couldn't her friends understand that whatever that beast was guarding was better left alone.

"That's not all." Harry said quietly. "When I snuck out over Christmas the first time, I saw Dad holding Quirrell at wand point."

"Brilliant!" Katey said, looking happy for the first time since the conversation had started, Katey had never liked the stammering Defense teacher and was pleased to see that her father didn't either. "I really hope that Dad hurt him."

"Katey!" Hermione said aghast that she would cheer about something like that, and wish that a teacher would be hurt.

"What?" Katey asked.

"Dad was threatening Quirrell." Harry continued.

"Again, I'm not seeing anything remotely wrong with that." Katey rolled her eyes.

"Katey, I think Dad is trying to steal what ever Fluffy is guarding."

"Are you mental?" Katey asked. "I don't believe that Dad would even do something like that."

"Harry? What's wrong?" Katey asked her twin a couple of weeks later. Harry had just returned from quidditch practice looking decidedly agitated.

"Dad's refereeing the next match."

Katey Potter: Book 1 (Revised and Edited version)Where stories live. Discover now