Trouble on Halloween

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Halloween, 1991, Katey age 11...
"She's a bloody nightmare." Ron Weasley complained as he, Harry, and Katey, made their way from the Charms classroom on Halloween. "No wonder she hasn't got any bloody friends besides her stupid books."

"I think she heard you, mate." Harry said as Hermione pushed passed them, in tears.

"Ronald Weasley!" Katey stopped dead in her tracks, glaring at the redhead. "How dare you say that? I'll have you know that I am her friend!" Katey said as she rushed off after Hermione. "Hermione?" Katey asked cautiously as she entered the girls lavatory.

"Go away." Hermione said tearfully. "Y-You don't have to pretend anymore. You don't have to pretend to be my friend."

"Don't be silly." Katey shrugged her off. "Of course your my friend." Katey said. "Please open the door."

Hermione reluctantly did so and Katey grabbed her hand and hurried her into a alcove that was in the loo. "I should have never left home." The girl said as she sunk down to the ground.

"Why would you say that?" Katey asked, as she slid down to the ground.

"I miss my mum and dad. I don't really fit in that well."

"I know how you feel." Katey said softly.

"You do?"

"I do." Katey said. "You remember how I told you that I really hate this time of year?"

"Yeah." Hermione sniffed.

"Well, ten years ago today, Voldesnort came to the cottage my Mum and Pa where living in. Pa yelled at mum to run and get us to safety, that he would hold him off." Katey said, her eyes shining with tears. "He was killed, murdered by this maniac."

"You remember that?"

"Some of it." Katey confirmed. "Anyway this maniac came up to where Harry and I where and....I....I watched him supposedly murder my mother."

"That's when he gave you and Harry that scar." Hermione finished.

"Yeah, but, you should know what happened afterwards." Katey said. "With mum supposedly dead, Harry and I where shipped off to live with her sister. They where absolutely horrid. They made Harry and I sleep in a cupboard. Punished us for every bit of accidental magic, and made sure that we knew we didn't fit in. I ran away August first, just after Harry and I turned six. I turned up here sometime in November that year. That's when I met Snape, well, Uncle Sev, as I then called him. Mum was in a magical coma and had woken up in July. Snape married her the next day." Katey said. "So, what are your parents like?"

"Dad and Mum are detenists." Hermione said. "They're really brilliant. They are really fair, and kind too."

"They sound lovely." Katey smiled at her friend as her school bag slipped to the floor beside her. "Your parents, are they strict?"


"How do they punish you when you get into trouble?" Katey asked. "Sorry, I know that's really personal. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to."

"No, that's fine." Hermione assured her. "They normally make me sit on the sofa and we talk things through."

"So you don't stand in the corner or get grounded?"

"Not really." Hermione said.

"Ah, you are so lucky. I absolutely hate standing in the corner. I once had to stand in the corner for about an hour."

"What's it like having Snape as a Dad?"

"He's my step-dad, really." Katey began. "But we don't make that distinction. He's strict, really strict. But he's fair too."

Katey Potter: Book 1 (Revised and Edited version)Where stories live. Discover now